"Annual leadpile twenty Avengers, annual painting nineteen Avengers, nineteen X-Men and a Hydra Goon, result: stagnation.
Annual leadpile twenty Avengers, annual painting twenty Avengers, nought and a Hydra Goon, result: progress."
My recent brush with Necromunda reminded me: I painted a huge amount of Enforcers a while back!
If you have one primarch, you have a centrepiece model. If you have two primarchs, you have an incomplete collection...
So I guess this was always going to happen.
They fly through the air with the greatest of ease,
Those daring young men with the transhuman fleas...
I enjoy painting Death Guard so much, I really must try it when I don't have a deadline looming over me.
Pootle here with a quick nudge towards YouTube where you can find my Orks up against Winters SEO's Death Guard.
We're building quite a collection of narrative campaigns and those battle reports are some of my favourite to revisit.
And so we're going for it once again - an eight player campaign, played remotely until destruction or exhaustion claims us all. Narrative provided by Kraken, maps from Pootle, camerawork and general administration by I, Stylus.
The first report will be going live shortly. Until then, here's some opening narrative to whet your appetite:
Crusher Stampede vs Daemon Engines - it's a battle for the heavyweights!
Chaos Space Marines vs Tyranids!
Two weeks ago, I was delivered a challenge - to which I immediately responded.
Of course, this was based off a model I received in 2018, which is a much more accurate reflection of my response time.
It's also not retro enough.
You can't go wrong with a threequel, just look at Rambo III, X-Men: The Last Stand or The Rise of Skywalker.
Having assembled a unit of Havocs from the proper kit, I found I was left with a lot of spare heavy weapons.
And so I decided to imitate the action of the cheapskate, and kitbash together some more heavy weapon heretics.
The World Eaters are still hungry. One is never enough, I guess.
What's the best way of dealing something big? Bringing something big too to shoot it!