Wednesday 28 July 2021

Harlon's Landing - Space Wolves vs Death Guard

We're back in the Gehenna system, and this time it's televised - the battle of Harlon's Landing, now on Deployment Zone TV!

Winters SEO battle report - Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Space Wolves vs Death Guard - 2000pts - Grand Tournament 2021 - Battle Lines Mission

Space Wolves vs Death Guard!

Tuesday 27 July 2021

On the Band List

Maul Bludsson, Lead Guitar

 Steel Buttorkfly!

Monday 26 July 2021

The Prize: Adeptus Mechanicus vs Creations of Bile

I'm joining the Inferno Campaign - and taking the fight to Gehenna Prime!

Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Adeptus Mechanicus vs Creations of Bile - 1500pts - Open War - The Prize

It's the Adeptus Mechanicus vs Creations of Bile

Saturday 10 July 2021

Gehenna Back Of The Van: Scions vs Tyranids


Courtesy of the web geniuses at DZTV comes the Gehenna Inferno campaign. I'm always keen to have my battles be part of something larger, so the Hagan Lampreys are deploying in defense of Gehenna Prime. Against their old foe, the Tyranids, under the command of General Rapid.

Friday 9 July 2021

Calculating Firing Angels: Crypt Angels vs Tempestus Scions

As promised, here's a battle report featuring all the Space Marine stuff I've painted in the last few months! And some Tempestus Scions too, just so the marines don't have it all their way. Kraken vs Kas, and may the best painted win.

Thursday 8 July 2021

On Strike

Commission complete for the Crypt Angels! 

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Mutilate This

 No unit is beyond redemption...

40k Chaos Mutilators - kitbashed for Creations of Bile army, part of the DZTV Hobbypocalypse

Here come the Mutilators!

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Necromunda: Hold Until Dawn

It's the final installment of the Assault on Precinct 17!