Tuesday 14 November 2023

Termigal Velocity


Nice to have the Nids back on the painting table!

Thursday 9 November 2023

Plaguebearers: Here They Grow Again

 If you'd asked me what daemons were next to paint, I wouldn't have thought Plaguebearers...

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

Wednesday 8 November 2023

I've Been A Wild Reaver For Many A Year

 From the mortal realms to completion in less than three editions!

Bloodreavers for Blades of Khorne, Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Tuesday 7 November 2023


 They fly through the air with the greatest of ease,

Space Wolves Jump Pack Intercessors for Warhammer 40k.

Those daring young men with the transhuman fleas...