Sweetwater Egress campaign: Episode 4

The blood must flow.
I know this. I know also that it will flow. Within certain reasonable approximations, I could even say how much of it, or make a fair guess as to whose.
My Lord does not care for my predictions.
Indeed, he does not care at all. Some blood will flow in the near future. Some already flows, somewhere. That I do not shed it, or even that it is not shed by those loyal to him, is not the Blood God's concern. The fact of bloodshed is all.
Given this, how can I seek to catch his eye? A mortal such as I cannot hope to cause enough bloodshed in one lifetime. It is a question of scale. Millions of worlds, millions of deaths. The Skull Throne sits atop a mound of the dead millennia in the making. Even at this moment in time, as I write, more blood is spilled across the wider galaxy than I can or will ever spill.
So I think this - it is not how much blood, or its quality, or the manner of its taking.
It is a question of efficiency.
Any time I am not actively slaking my Lord's impossible thirst is wasted.
While I write with my left hand, my right hand slits the next throat that my Abattoirius presents. Man, woman, human, xenos, beast - it matters not. They may be wounded, the battle they fight against me for their life may be one-sided in the extreme. Irrelevant. They fight me all the same. Their limbs are not bound, they are not drugged or incapable. Indeed, they are armed and desperate, the ritual blades bound to their hands with wire and nail.
My one fear is that the hooks on the conveyor will come to me empty. And therefore my servants raid planet after planet, capture life after life, seeking the greatest quantity of sacrifices. Here on Sweetwater, we will fill our hold with a rich harvest of the damned, enough to keep my right hand at work until our next destination.
Volume per second over time. It will add up.
- Urokin the Knacker, Master of the Murder Class Cruiser Slaughteryard
The campaign rages on (catch up on previous episodes here) and the final two players of our octet step up: Kasfunatu takes command of the World Eaters against Rapid and the Drukhari.
World Eaters
Considering my World Eaters army consisted of, basically just a lot of Berzerkers, Kasfunatu has pulled together a decent list. Khârn the Betrayer, naturally (although he'll be representing a unique character), together with an Exalted Deathbringer from Age of Sigmar, who appears to have made the permanent transition to a Master of Executions.
For infantry, a small unit of Berzerkers, a Rhino, Jakhals (also coming over from Age of Sigmar) and four Chaos Spawn (also from Age of ... I now see where my chaos auxiliaries are coming from)
- Dethacus - [Khârn the Betrayer] (warlord)
Gorechild, Just A Really Nice Plasma Pistol
- Hurlk the Fleam - Master of Executions
Axe of Dismemberment, Bolt Pistol
Berserker Glaive - 5 x Khorne Berserkers
5 x Berserker chainblade & bolt pistol, Khornate Eviscerator, Icon of Khorne - 10 x Jakhals
Mauler chainblade, Skullsmasher, 8 x Jakhal chainblades & autopistol, Icon of Khorne - 2 x Chaos Spawn
Hideous mutations - 2 x Chaos Spawn
Hideous mutations - 1 x Chaos Rhino
Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher
Like the Space Foxes before them, this Drukhari army belongs to my family, and since they aren't as obsessive as I am, the choice is very limited. This represents all the denizens of Commorragh available to Rapid, plus another unit of Scourges and a Razorwing Jetfighter.
With no Wyches or Wracks, this isn't a list that's going to last long against the World Eaters in melee, although proxy Lelith could give them something to chew over.
- Aesruin - Archon (warlord)
Splinter Pistol, Huskblade
The Art of Pain - Maqsima - [Lelith Hesperax]
Just Some Really Cool Blades - 10 x Kabalite Warriors
Blast Pistol & Sybarite Weapon, 1 x Shredder, 1 x Dark Lance, 7 x Splinter Rifles - 5 x Scourges
1 x Blast Pistol & Solarite Weapon, 2 x Haywire Blaster, 1 x Dark Lance, 1 x Blaster - 1 x Venom
2 x Splinter Cannon, Bladevanes
Mission and Deployment

The mission is to grab moving objectives, here represented by an assortment of Imperium citizens. These refugees are desperate to escape planet Sweetwater before the Warp consumes it.
Both World Eaters and Drukhari want to take them captive. It's best not to speculate on why.
- The objectives will start the game spaced across the centre, and will move in a random direction at the start of each battle round.
- 1 VP is scored for securing the objective at the end of a player's turn.
- If a unit is in base contact with an objective, it will move along with that unit.
D3 VP is awarded for for a Slay the Warlord
And since we have two superstars on the board, a bonus D3 VP to the victor of Kharn vs Lilaith
And, almost as an afterthought, I decided that it would be possible for a unit to charge/attack an objective for an automatic D3VP and its immediate removal.

The World Eaters claim the left hand deployment and spread out across the line, from Spawn, Jakhals, Rhino (containing Dethacus and the Master of Executions leading the Berzerkers), with more Spawn in the extreme north corner.
The Drukhari have the right deployment, and cluster towards the north-corner, with the Scourges eschewing deepstrike.
The Venom, containing Maqsima and half the Kabalites take a commanding view above.
The Archon and the other half of the Kabalites hunker down behind the industrial machinery.
The citizens themselves wander aimlessly around the centre line of the field, although there is the outside chance that if any of them wander to the edge of the board, they will escape.
The World Eaters win the roll-off, and we're away!
Turn 1 - World Eaters
"They took the bait!"
"Of course they did. Never underestimate the simplicity of the mon'keigh."
Aesruin, Archon of Drzok, ran his hand over his scabbarded blade. This was all unutterably tedious, a great deal of effort in order to settle a simple bet. It was costing him slaves, although at least they weren't good ones. Delightful as it was inflicting further ignominies on an already-despairing populace, snatching Imperial citizens from outside Sweetwater's main port was hardly worth his time.
"Have Maqzima changed and ready," he drawled. Gaelstrice, his cupbearer, bowed elegantly and whispered into his transponder, ordering Aesruin's personal transport to make all speed to their destination.
Really, it was pitiful to see how easily he'd led the savages into his trap. The red-armoured berserkers and the flailing beasts that accompanied them were in the same mental bracket. They'd also been taking livestock from the Imperial herds, and Chaerudrek, Aesruin's Haemonculus, had dared to opine that what he'd seen of their combat prowess was surprisingly capable. Perhaps they'd make adequate sport for the arena?
Nonsense, of course. But Aesruin had risen to the bait anyway. Anything to make this endless cattle drive move a little quicker. So he'd wagered Chaerudrek that Maqzima, currently gladiatorial champion of his own team, could easily dispatch whatever hooting idiot led this warband in single combat.
Hence releasing a few non-essential slaves into this relatively peaceful part of the warzone, telling them they might win their freedom simply by making enough noise. Hence being here, waiting what seemed like an eternity, listening to their din, before the morons took the bait. Hence the witnesses, a few members of his court too bored to do anything else.
"At last," he sighed, as a red-hulled tank broke cover, accelerating towards the nearest slave, then "oops!" as it failed to brake in time, smashing the unfortunate under the spiked prow of the crude vehicle.
Perhaps this could be mildly amusing after all.
The blood flows fast, with
Unbridled Bloodlust (advance and charge) and
Wrathful Devotion (an increased Feel No Pain) blessing the World Eaters.
The Jakhals scurry under cover of the main walkway, presumably to mutter something about poisoned weapons.
The southern pack of Chaos Spawn amble up to one of the citizen and secures the objective. The Berzerker-packed Rhino races past them, charging up the field and running over another citizen while making a handbrake turn.
The southernmost Spawn follow the example by charging down another citizen and promptly eating him.
So that happened.
Score: World Eaters 1+2D3 : 0 Drukhari
Turn 1 - Drukhari
It didn't look as if the warband was here to capture the slaves after all. Their malformed pets had torn several apart. There were no handlers to control the warpspawn, a basic oversight. Aesruin rolled his eyes.
"Maqzima, execute the rest of the slaves, would you? They've served their purpose. And then hurry up, I'm getting cold."
His Venom sped by overhead. Aesruin smirked as the nearest slaves ran towards it in terrified panic, clearly rescue was on its way. The look on their faces as the Venom's guns opened fire was so predictably astonished, but it never ceased to raise a smile.
Keen to catch up, while there are still some victims left on the field, the Scourges fly towards the central walkway, snaring the two penultimate citizens.
Not content with merely capturing them, the Venom swoops past and cuts down both citizens with its bladevanes.
A flurry of shots erupt from the Drukhari forces, but with no infantry to shoot, the splinter weapons are ineffective and only one Chaos Spawn falls.
Score: World Eaters 1+2D3 : 2D3 Drukhari
Turn 2 - World Eaters
Now the warband had deployed in force, deprived of their original quarry. Heavy-boned muscular brutes, clad in heavy but patchy armour, they seemed too thick-set to be mon'keigh. Genetically altered stock, perhaps? Strong, though, you had to give them that. Aesruin watched his Scourges vault over them, leading them on a merry little dance whilst peppering them with fire.
Fewer seemed to drop than one might have expected, but he knew the Scourges weren't really trying. They knew the expectation was merely to provoke the enemy's leader into making an appearance so that Maqzima could make her kill.
There - she'd disembarked from the Venom, was limbering up. Nimbly, she darted under a low walkway as a pack of the half-clad barbarians thundered along it, chasing the departing Venom despite lacking any sort of weapon that could engage it. As the last one passed overhead, Maqzima grabbed a nearby pipe and flipped herself up behind them, unnoticed until she tripped the laggard with her lash and neatly jabbed her estoc into his face.
That brought the whole pack skidding to a halt, falling over themselves as they tried to turn and engage her, but it was obviously too late. She was already on them, puncturing and impaling with a deadly grace.
Not her best work, Aesruin thought, it was sloppy and uninspiring, but they weren't really the sort of opponents one could shine against.
With the objective game already deader than an imperial citizen of Sweetwater, the southern Chaos Spawn run into the final citizen and ... it may surprise you to learn ... eat him.
The Master of Executions leads the Berzerkers out of the Rhino and towards the Venom. Dethacus (the proxy Khârn) is left to cool his heels in the transport.
The Jakhals climb onto the walkway to approach the Scourges from behind, while the lone Chaos Spawn shambles up beneath them.
After a few desultory pistol shots, carnage ensues. The Berzkers tear the Venom apart (which then explodes), leaving the Kabalites and Maqsima (proxy Lelith) to bundle out.
The Jakhals then rip apart the Scourges, leaving the Chaos Spawn free to consolidate into the Kabalites and chomp down on two of them.
With Maqsima out of engagement range, there's no comeback for the Drukhari this turn, but at least their prize gladiator is ready to mix it.
Score: World Eaters 1+2D3 : 2D3 Drukhari
Turn 2 - Drukhari
He was up on his feet, shouting with fury.
Maqzima had fallen! How dare she!
One of the fallen had somehow managed to fling his weapon into the air as he fell. As Maqzima skewered another one of the muscle-bound thugs, entirely by lazy clumsiness on her part, the weapon had fallen on her. She'd left her back turned, clearly assuming the dying boor posed no more threat. A single moment of distraction, not even a wound worth the name, and the rest of the pack had descended on her like gaeth on a la'czaek.
She'd cost him his wager with the Haemonculus!
"Bring me to her immediately!" Aesruin screamed at his followers. "I want her alive so she can apologise for this... this mockery!"
Sensing trouble, the Archon and his Kabalite bodyguard ascend one of the ruins, where they find themselves in a target-rich environment. They unleash against the Khorne Bezerkers, but only manage to bring down two of them.
The other Kabalite warriors fall back from the Chaos Spawn, unable to do anything else this turn.
Showtime comes when Maqsima somersaults over the Jakhals, ready to tear them to shreds as a warm-up. With two enemy champions on the field, she elects not to use her Thrilling Spectacle boost, and with Wrathful Devotion back in effect, only five Jakhals are slain.
Worse, the Total Carnage blessing is active (slain models fight on a 4+), so Maqsima has a storm of chainblades to weather, regardless of how many she killed. Sadly, she was unable to dodge enough of the return blows, and the champion of the fighting pits is cut down by mere mortals.
Score: World Eaters 1+2D3 : 2D3 Drukhari
Turn 3 - World Eaters
As he ran towards the heap of bodies where Maqzima lay (He was running! She'd obliged him to run! She'd suffer for this!), Aesruin realised there were more of the blood brutes gathering. Standing with them was a particularly large one, presumably their leader, screaming in an over-wrought display of fury. Well, he'd get rid of it as a lesson to his fallen gladiatrix.
"You'd better be watching!" he snarled at her, although given that half a dozen of the animalistic monkeigh were kicking her on the floor, he doubted she had the self-possession to oblige.
A quick burst from his sidearm got the hulk's attention. He side-stepped in a perfect Dein'Checht style, slashing the delicate huskblade in a crisscross through the warlord's armour.
"There!" he spat with ferocious satisfaction. "That's how you... Hhrrk!"
The odds aren't looking good for the Drukhari, and the World Eaters close in on the surviving Kablites.
The Spawn continues with the squad he'd already started on, devouring another.
The Archon should at least prove a more formidable opponent. While all of his bodyguard are cut down by the chainblades of the Berzerkers, the Archon's shadowfield laughs off all the blows with a 2++ invulnerable.
Then the Master of Executions steps forward, boosts his attacks with the Berzerker Glaive and inflicts 8 Devastating Wounds on his opponent. No getting up from that!
And that's another D3 for slaying the enemy warlord.
Score: World Eaters 1+3D3 : 2D3 Drukhari
Turn 3 - Drukhari
Impossible! Aesruin was wounded! What lower animal had the temerity...?
His ears rang with the crazed bellows of the enemy. As he blacked out, he could see it standing over him, dessicated flesh falling like sand from the wounds he'd carved in it, yet too lost in its frenzy to realise it was dying.
He gave one last, bitter smile as he realised that at least he'd never have to live this embarrassment down.
As the few surviving Kabalites pick up their fallen leaders and scarper, there's nothing left to do but roll for the victory points.
Even now, the dice betray the Drukhari with the lowest possible score.
Score: World Eaters 10 : 2 Drukhari
Result: victory to the World Eaters!
"Yes, pet, that's right. Drop it!"
The interlocking mandibles of Kroaton slowly juddered apart, letting the mangled body drop at Hurlk's feet.
"Good boy! Blood for you!" Hurlk ran a hand over the slavering face of the spawn, leaving a red smear that its many-fingered tongue immediately lapped at. Kroaton had been a loyal brother once before his degeneracy took hold. Hurlk liked to keep in mind that his own fate could easily be the same, but for the Bloodlord's grace.
He examined the crumpled torso that Kroaton had brought him. One of the citizens of the planet. They were supposed to be bringing them back to the Slaughteryard, another crop for Uracil's eternal bloodletting, but even their master knew spawn couldn't be kept leashed and unfed indefinitely. They'd already brought in a reasonable harvest, there were still more to be gathered at the port. What harm in a little recreation in the meantime?
The Aeldari were a nuisance, it was good to be rid of them. Tricky opponents on occasion. Hurlk ran a hand over the dessicated runnel on his chest where the skinny xenos had wounded him. They couldn't even shed blood properly, he thought with a sneer. Still, it was lucky he bore a Mark. His flesh grew back any wound (so far, at least, he reminded himself dutifully). Even now the dried flesh was starting to tinge pink again. Yet another weapon to add to the tally of those that hadn't ended him.
A howl brought him out of his reverie - Dethacus, still chained in the back of the Rhino, was clearly unhappy to have missed the skirmish, short-lived as it had been. Ah well, Uracil's favourite would have to wait to slake his bloodlust for now. This hadn't been worth the time it would take to rechain him, he could wait until the port for that.
Perhaps there, they'd find some real skulls to claim.
Locker Room
Oh dear. In many ways, I should have probably anticipated that, given the opportunity both the roided-up crazies of the World Eaters and the extra-side-of-sado Drukhari would immediately choose to kill any captive they encountered.
I was thinking of it being a last-ditch attempt to score points, and that it would be preferable to keep scoring the objectives for as long as possible (a bird in the hand being worth D3 killed in the bush). But, of course, by removing an objective, you not only bag D3 points, you deny it to your opponent. Which means they immediately have to follow suit or risk falling totally behind. Bad scenario design on my part.
Even worse was placing all the objectives in the centre for a melee-vs-shooting army game. There aren't many places to hide on a 4x4' table, but even with the World Eaters' impressive speed, the Drukhari should have been able to enjoy a bit more shooting and mobility.
Anyway, something had to break the streak of close-run games. Well played Kasfunatu and commiserations Rapid, let's see what next week holds.
Ouch! Poor citizens. 🙈
ReplyDeleteWhat an opener, though! The calm, considered, efficient bloodletting of the thinking man's Slave to Darkness. Volume per second over time. That's haunting.
ReplyDeleteAs for the scenario itself, they can't all be winners. I liked the echo of Dawn of War this one had - that one Dark Crusade mission where you have to round up the servitors and guide them back to your base - but yes, the two-way swing of claiming and killing was definitely a bit much. I wonder if the much-maligned servo-skull football mission from the current matched play pack might be a better basis for this sort of thing?
Thanks, that's a good shout. I'll check that mission out.