Friday 15 December 2023

Oh Come, All Ye Gallowsmen

My recent brush with Necromunda reminded me: I painted a huge amount of Enforcers a while back!

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

This was a lockdown commission for Mr AP Burn (who co-founded Stronghold Wargames - mostly historical tabletop, so I fear for this sci-fi gang). His enthusiasm for the project meant that I kept getting additions shipped to me, so what started as a couple of reinforcements for his original gang turned into a small army!

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for NecromundaPalanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for Necromunda

There were conversions aplenty - lots of third-party heads and weapon swaps - so no miniature was link another.

The basic colour scheme (replicated across most of the rest) was simple enough:
  • Basecoat: Grey Primer
  • Drybrush: Longbeard Grey
  • Armour: Khorne Red
  • Helmets and boots: Dark Charcoal (Vajello)
  • Weapons: Ironbreaker
  • Belts and gear: Snakebite Leather
  • Eye lens: Averland Sunset
  • All over wash with Nuln Oil
In fairness, this allowed me to put more effort into the faces (and freehanding that noose sigil)

Palanite Subjugators for NecromundaPalanite Subjugators for Necromunda

Palanite Subjugators for NecromundaPalanite Subjugators for Necromunda

Palanite Subjugators for NecromundaPalanite Subjugators for Necromunda

With the Subjugators done (those riot shields look cool), the first commander-type was a third-part model. Following the tradition of TV detectives, this professional was Commander Cowley.

Palanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Some brute force was added in the form of Astra Militarum Bullgryns.

Palanite Bullgryns for NecromundaPalanite Bullgryns for Necromunda

Palanite Bullgryns for Necromunda

Which were soon augmented when the Slave Ogryns were released.

Slave Ogryns for NecromundaSlave Ogryns for Necromunda

Slave Ogryns for NecromundaSlave Ogryns for Necromunda

Slave Ogryns for NecromundaSlave Ogryns for Necromunda

For real muscle, you can't beat some Ambots. These ones broke the usual colour scheme to go for a dirty industrial yellow (Averland Sunset - that old warhorse base coat - with Agrax Earthshade), along with some hazard strikes and green glow.

Ambot for Necromunda

Ambot for Necromunda

Some more diminutive tech-support came in the form of Tech Thrall Convenants from Forge World. Essentially they're Servitors, which I painted in the same style as the Ambots (with the added bonus that their blue eye lenses make them look like Minions).

Tech Thrall Convenants from Forge WorldTech Thrall Convenants from Forge World

Tech Thrall Convenants from Forge WorldTech Thrall Convenants from Forge World

Tech Thrall Convenants from Forge WorldTech Thrall Convenants from Forge World

Tech Thrall Convenants from Forge WorldTech Thrall Convenants from Forge World

Tech Thrall Convenants from Forge WorldTech Thrall Convenants from Forge World

Another character model from Forge World: Scrutinator-Primus Servalen and her trusty Cyber-Mastiff. If it had been my choice, I would have probably gone with the alternative head, but googles were easier to paint!

Scrutinator-Primus Servalen for Necromunda

Cyber-Mastiff for Necromunda

And another commander model, carrying a hive scum whose been helping with his enquiries. I think it's another third-party model, but the palanite helmet makes him fit in nicely.

Palanite Enforcers for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for Necromunda

That's the lot! (and quite a lot there was too). They've long since been shipped off, so I hope they're having fun keeping order in the Underhive.

Tech Thrall Convenants from Forge World

Scrutinator-Primus Servalen and Cyber-Mastiff for Necromunda

Slave Ogryns for Necromunda

Palanite Enforcers for Necromunda


  1. That's a hell of a haul! Smashing stuff, especially the slave Ogryns. I'm gutted I never manage to grab the six pack.

    1. The ogryns were very cool - and hard to let go 😥

  2. My only game of necromunda had four models… this feels like a 40K army!

    They are a brilliant bunch of characters and I love how you’ve painted them.

    1. Yes, slightly more than a gang - Mr AP Burn is never knowingly undercomitted!
