Thursday 30 August 2018

Brutes on the Ground

There's a light at the end of the tunnel!

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Thursday 23 August 2018

Little Red Riding Hoods

Gracious, Grandmamma, what a big beard you've got.

Friday 17 August 2018

They Deep Too Dug

To cut a long story short, I painted more Dwarves.

Saturday 11 August 2018

They Dug Too Deep

This week, on When Dwarves Go Bad...

Monday 6 August 2018

I'm Ready For My Close Up: Thousand Sons vs Primaris Ultramarines

I've spoken before about how I enjoy wargames on t'telly... well now I'm in one!

Let's play the music, light the lights and meet the muppets!

Sunday 5 August 2018

Law Enforkment

The last of the Massive Darkness greenskins fall before my brush!