Monday 31 December 2018

Swinging the Lead: Year in Review

Blimey, that was a quick year. Yet so much happened! Was this really the same year that the Age of Sigmar Snakewomen released? And Adeptus Titanicus? And Kill Team? And... and... and... Too much!

Image result for time passing fast

But how did I fare?

The Tally of 2018

And we're finally done with 2018. An experience not dissimilar to riding on that bus at the end of The Italian Job.

"We're going to need a bigger pen."

And this is the update to "Project: Micawber", let's all say it together...

"Annual leadpile twenty terminators, annual painting nineteen terminators nineteen marines and a cultist, result: stagnation.
Annual leadpile twenty 
terminators, annual painting twenty terminators nought and a cultist, result: progress."

Friday 28 December 2018

Review: Blackstone Fortress

Image result for blackstone fortress

Now it's the holidays, I've had time to actually play this bugger as well as paint it! Invoking, therefore, the awesome responsibility of the Blogger, I shall chant out my opinion as though it weighs something.

Wednesday 26 December 2018

From Behind The Paywall It Rises: Thousand Sons vs Death Guard

Merry Christmas! Here's something to help you sleep off the turkey.

The Thousand Sons return to Swindon!

Monday 24 December 2018

Diorama: I Am Norman

It's a familiar tale: a confrontation in the midst of a great battle, an end-level evil boss, a plucky protagonist.

"I Am No Man": a Warhammer 40k diorama between a Black Legion Chaos Lord and a space marine of the Thirteenth.

How will it all end?

Friday 21 December 2018

Does Anyone Have a Hanky?

Just a few last updates before the year ends. S'not much.

Chaos Spawn for Warhammer

Thursday 20 December 2018

Magnus the Red? My 'Gaunts Sneer: Tyranids vs Thousand Sons

It's late in the year. But what better stocking filler than one last chance to try and beat a Daemon Primarch? 

Warhammer 40k battle report - Chapter Approved 2018 - Maelstrom of War - Tactical Cascade - 1750 points - Thousand Sons vs Tyranids.

Yes, it's time for a final Skype rumble with Kraken (bold), 

and I, Stylus, as plain as can be

as we pitch our respective forces against each other, freshly armed with the new rules update from Chapter Approved 2018!

Magnus with your Mega-Smite
Won't you pull my sleigh tonight?

Tuesday 18 December 2018

The WoffBoot Needs YOU! (to vote for me)

Dear reader, I crave a boon.

(if you want to save yourself the reading bother - just go here and vote for 'Fools Rush In' - otherwise, stick with me)

Friday 14 December 2018

Blackstone Shortlist

Finished! ...he shouts, like a toddler on a potty.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Fade to Blackstone

Not done yet, so I'd better keep painting.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

I Painted Some Terrain (And I Liked It!)

Don't get too excited now. But I did actually manage to build and paint several pieces of scenery.

Imperial Armoured Containers kit from Kromlech

I'm off to have a little lie down...

Monday 10 December 2018

The Path To Enlightenment

More Tzaangors? Don't worry, these are the last of them. For now.

Tzaangor Enlightened from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Tzaangor Skyfires from Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.

Pew pew! ... caw caw!

Saturday 8 December 2018

In the Blue Corner: Ultramarines vs Tyranids

What? An actual interloper within the physical surrounds of Kraken Towers? Summon the Hive Guard! Let none live!

Image result for ultramarines vs tyranids

Skype's taken a hike!
It's... It's... I don't know what this is!

Friday 7 December 2018

Mildly Mutated In Every Way

Lots more lovely Tzaangor!

Kairic Acolytes converted to Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.

Quickly becoming the backbone of my Thousand Sons army. They do love jumping out of the Webway - but they don't last long, so I need more of them!

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Christmas Shopping List

More eBay advertising here - my copy of Dungeon Saga is also going under the hammer. You'd be getting a more than full copy of the base game and the first two major expansions, all painted to my exacting standards!

It might not be the Rolls Royce of gaming, but it's an easy and fun game (especially forgiving for first time heroes), and you're getting a large amount of minis and floor plans. Plus doors, and who doesn't need lots of painted dungeon doors?

Here's a link to the listing. Feel free to peruse!

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Into the Black

Advent! And therefore, a challenge!

Monday 3 December 2018

The Jolly Red Fellow

It was always going to happen. When I built my cabinet last year, I made sure there was enough clearance on the shelves to fit in this big fella.

Magnus the Red for Thousand Sons, Warhammer 40,000

So here's Magnus!

Friday 30 November 2018

Hello, Birdie

There's a lot to be said for Tzaangor Shamans in a Thousand Sons list: cheap Elite slot, cheap psychic power, buffs two different units, mobile, able to dish out a punch.

Converted Tzaangor Shaman from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.
I didn't mean to imply the Tzaangor Shaman is cheap.
She is, of course, a lady.

The only downside is the model is monopose. A lovely monopose, but to have a second one in the same style is unacceptable in any army of mine, not least a Tzeentch one.

So it's a-converting we shall go...

Tuesday 27 November 2018

EXT: Rainforest (Harvest Season)

This is what happens when you brag about finishing something.

Monday 26 November 2018

Mr Tumnus Will See You Now

"I'm crying because I'm such a bad Faun."

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Ungor as Chaos Cultists conversions.
"It's no good now, you know," said the Faun,
shaking its head at her very sorrowfully.

"I don't think you're a bad Faun at all," said Lucy. "I think you are a very good Faun. You are the nicest Faun I've ever met."

Saturday 24 November 2018


It's been a good year for project completion!

Friday 23 November 2018

We Are Returned: Black Legion vs Death Guard & Black Legion vs T'au

A double-header battle report - I took the Black Legion over to Kasfunatu Towers to fight all-comers!

I, Stylus, will be providing a brief summary for each game. No images, I fear. We were playing two games of 2000pts, and getting to grips with some relatively new armies, so there was no brain power left for the historical record.

My opponent, and host, was Kasfunatu.

Go Fish: Black Legion vs T'au

The Greater Good meets the Big Bad - T'au versus Black Legion!

Get the Fish To Bite!
It's All-Skype Fight Night!

I, Stylus, will be taking on the T'au for the first time in 8th Edition. I'll also be eschewing the Thousand Sons for a more conventional form of heresy - the Black Legion will take to the field!

After a recent casual-tournament I had the basis of a T'au army ready to go, but welcomed the extra points to knock it up to 1500pts. I'll warn now, my rebuttals/comments may be a little sketchy as the fight was a couple of weeks ago. 

Saturday 17 November 2018

Dungeon Starter Pack

Reaper! The Curse of Completion is hard upon me!

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Modelling Snow and Ice

A Song of Mice and Mire

Having made a reasonable amount of snowy terrain over the last four years, it's time to share what I've learned!

Monday 12 November 2018

A Clash Of Heroes: Thousand Sons vs Dark Angels

The gauntlet is thrown down between the mightiest heroes of the legion: nine Thousand Sons characters take on nine Dark Angels - it's X-Treme Killteam!

Warhammer 40k custom mission - 9 vs 9 characters - Dark Angels vs Thousand Sons.

Once again, I was battling Mr AP Burn, who brought a full compliment of Dark Angels command structure!

Friday 9 November 2018

You Got Chocolate on my Peanut Butter: Slaves to Darkness vs Space Marines

Image result for realmgate

Which of GW's game systems is the mightiest? 

We've all thought it, right? Time to find out, as I, Kraken, 

and I, Stylus,

power up our super world collider and pit Age of Sigmar against 40K! After all - there can only be one!*

Bring an Axe to this Gunfight!
It's All-Skype Fight Night!

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Gather the Party

A questing we shall go.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Shameless Mercantile Behaviour

Image result for ebay logo

So, it comes to this. My cupboard is too small, my wallet too puny and my ambitions too great. Something had to give!

Monday 5 November 2018

Fools Rush In: Dark Angels vs Thousand Sons

It's a clash of the fallen as Dark Angels face Thousand Sons once again!

Warhammer 40k battle report - Maelstrom of War - Contact Lost - 2000 points - Dark Angels vs Thousand Sons.

I returned to Bristol to face Mr AP Burn's grim astartes - but did I bring scissors or paper?

Sunday 4 November 2018

EXT: Rainforest (Plantation Stage)

Image result for rainforest

Well, I haven't really finished anything new here. But I am a year older, and got some new kit for my birthday that I want to show off!

Friday 2 November 2018

All Creatures Small and Smaller

I looked at my scenery projects for at least five minutes before deciding that Reaper Bones models aren't that tedious to paint after all.

Monday 29 October 2018

Smash That Captain: Space Marines vs Militarum Tempestus

Image result for tempestus scions artwork

A long-awaited moment for me, Kraken - my Tempestus Scions, the Hagan Lampreys, return to the field! And to double the glory, they find their long-absent nemesis opposing them. 

Yes, it's General Kasfunatu and the Crypt Angels!

After a recent thrust back into 40k (5 games in 36hours) I was hankering for another fight. Kraken had my Primaris falling off the painting line, and so it was time to try them out.

Let Old Foes Reunite!
It's All-Skype Fight Night!

Friday 26 October 2018

Wobbly Bits

Time for a new project!

Monday 22 October 2018

Blind The Psiclopes - Black Legion vs Thousand Sons

The Legion Wars continue as Magnus the Red leads his Thousand Sons against the Black Legion.

Warhammer 40k battle report - Maelstrom of War - Contact Lost - 1500 points - Thousand Sons vs Chaos Space Marines, Black Legion and World Eaters.

I, Stylus, will be taking the Daemon Primarch into battle - it had to happen eventually. My Thousand Sons collection was getting sufficiently large that I couldn't not get the Big Red One at some point. Fate is inexorable.

Our usual battle scale of 1500pts is a bit on the low side for a Lord of War, but Kraken has very sportingly agreed to take on the challenge (as well as my limited Black Legion).

Kraken is a glutton for punishment, is what Kraken is. But I need no Lord of War! The Black Legion are the galaxy's finest traitor legion, and we brook no taunts from a collection of gift-wrapped mummy dust! 

We'll be playing a random Maelstrom match, to be determined right before we set up. Game On!

Magnus Did Nothing Right!
It's All-Skype Fight Night!

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Final One and Done!

What better to celebrate the wrap party with than a hideous conglomeration of mutated flesh?

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Final Two: Lord Tusk

Smile for the Camera.

Monday 15 October 2018

Final Three: Cockatrice

It's the Death Chicken!

Sunday 14 October 2018

Final Four: Hellsbane

I'm so close to wrapping this project, I can't find time to think of a pun.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Brush (Not) For Hire

The following models were painted by me for someone else. That said, there are three very good reasons why I'm no commission painter:
  1. My painting standard, honed over the decades, is what I would call Tabletop Passable™
  2. I am hopeless at estimating exactly how much time is required for a project (this one ran about double-length)
  3. ... and the third one is the most important, but you'll have to read to the end to find out.
Ogryn for Astra Militarum, Warhammer 40k

Sunday 30 September 2018


End of the see-son sale! Eye one, get one free!

Saturday 29 September 2018

Every Dog Has Its Day

After a mere decade, Mrs Stylus took an interest in painting a Space Marine.

I showed her a catalogue of chapters for inspiration.

Me: "You can paint them any colour you like."

"What are these grey ones with the red and yellow shoulders? They look nice."

Me: "Any colour. You don't have to choose now. Any colour you like."

"I like those grey ones with the wolf icons. I'll paint them."

Me (throwing my pot of The Fang out of the window): "I'm not sure I've got any grey paint. Oh, look at this lovely yellow!"

Space Wolves Primaris Intercessor

Friday 28 September 2018

From The Depths It Rises...

Another Mutalith Vortex Beast? You betcha. I got the first one to divide between Age of Sigmar and 40k, but this one is definitely for the Thousand Sons.

Kharibdyss conversion for Mutalith Vortex Beast for Thousand Sons, Warhammer 40k

... which is ironic, because I used an Age of Sigmar model for the conversion.

Thursday 27 September 2018

57 Varieties of Sorcery

It's been a year since I bought my trio of Exalted Sorcerers, so it's about time I finished off the third one...

... but not before I paint a couple of other ones first!

Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer
Don't jump the queue, sonny.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Caught Some Weres in Time

Massive Darkness descends once more!

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Banner Headline

Time the Hagan Lampreys had something to muster under.

Monday 24 September 2018

Hark! The Angels' Ravenwing: Thousand Sons vs Dark Angels

Hunt the Fallen! The Sons of Prospero take on the First Legion as my Thousand Sons thrallband resist interrogation from the Dark Angels!

Warhammer 40k battle report - Maelstrom of War - Sealed Orders - 2000 points - Thousand Sons vs Dark Angels.

And in a rare change of pace, I'll be playing in person! Like Owain Glyndŵr before me, I crossed over into England with my Daemon Engines and Tzaangor (I'm pretty sure that's what Owain was packing) and fought Mr AP Burn's Dark Angels!

Friday 21 September 2018

My Old Man Said Follow the Van Saar

See, this is what happens when you live a ten minute walk away from a FLoGS.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Echoes of War Part II: Space Wolves vs Genestealer Cults

We return to the hivesprawls of Vigilus - and the epic conclusion of the Tooth And Claw mini-campaign!

Echoes of War - Mission 3 and Mission 4 from the Tooth and Claw box set. Space Wolves vs Genestealer Cults.

I, Stylus, will continue my insidious infestation. Having enjoyed success in the previous two missions, I am now fully integrated into the Cult of the Thirsting Wyrm, forehead nobbles and everything.

Whereas I, Kraken, am both Wolfy and Spacey. Like Kevin, in fact, but less gropy. 

Secure Your Genotype!
It's Fight Night on Skype!

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Thus Ever Two Tyrants

There's quite a lot of redundancy in Tyranid kits, more so than most I'd say. Only one thing to do with spare biomass, right?