Monday 22 April 2024

Weekend at Burnie’s 5 - Day 2: Orks vs Imperial Fists

Pootle here with the write-up of my final game at this year's Weekend at Burnies against Vertica40k (who I played a 2k game against not so very long ago). At one level it was a shame not to play against one of the other amazing armies on display who I'd not faced before, but after four games my brain was a little frazzled so it was good to play against a familiar army led by a general with exactly the right attitude of wanting a relaxed game to end the weekend on.

Friday 19 April 2024

Weekend at Burnie’s 5 - Day 2: Orks vs Black Templars

Pootle here again! With batteries recharged, my first game on the second day of Weekend at Burnies was against Warsmith Chris, who stepped into a gap left by someone who didn't make it back in time. I've not played against Black Templars before, but once again it's great to have a narrative-friendly match-up for the Orks.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Weekend at Burnie’s 5 - Day 1: Orks vs Dark Angels

Pootle again, writing up the third game of day 1 at this year's Weekend at Burnies, which was against Simon's Dark Angels. My brain was somewhat frazzled by this point, but at least I'd already got some practice in against a Land Raider Redeemer stuffed full of Aggressors earlier in the day

Monday 15 April 2024

Weekend at Burnie’s 5 - Day 1: Orks vs Leagues of Votann

Pootle here, reporting in on my second game at this year's Weekend at Burnie against Primaris_Dave's gorgeously painted Leagues of Votann (so gorgeous that he won the "best painted army" prize for them). I've never faced Votann before but am aware of how dangerous their judgement can be.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Weekend at Burnie’s 5 - Day 1: Orks vs Crimson Fists

Pootle here, reporting on my third Weekend at Burnies event, which was just as much fun as the previous editions and kicked off with an awesome game againt CrashOverride's Crimson Fists.

Tuesday 2 April 2024