Wednesday 29 April 2020

Possession is 9/10ths of the Score: Alpha Legion vs Militarum Tempestus & Inquisition

The Scions are springing an ambush, but Alpha Legion are planning a trap. Also the Inquisition are up to something, and someone saw a lamppost that looked like a Callidus.

Something's about to kick off...

Warhammer 40k battle report - Maelstrom of War -  Ambitious Surge - 1500 points - Alpha Legion vs Militarum Tempestus & Inquisition

In the midst of the campaigns, there is always time for a quick sidebar. With new gear for the Alpha Legion, it was time for a scrap, so Stylus and I met once again on the field of battle. 

Monday 27 April 2020

Skypehammer Round 4: Ill-Met By Enlightenment

The final combatants of the Skypehammer campaign kick off by renewing an old grudge...

Warhammer 40k battle report - Eternal War -  Scorched Earth - 500 points - Thousand Sons vs Space Wolves

Space Wolves vs Thousand Sons!

Sunday 26 April 2020

Ghostal Service

It's official. I have wasted all these years trying to get good.

Friday 24 April 2020

Skypehammer Round 3: Upon The Wings of Night

With the campaign gathering pace, the masterminds of The Cabal swoop in to make their presence felt...

Warhammer 40k battle report - Eternal War -  Scorched Earth - 500 points - Black Legion vs The Scourged

Black Legion vs The Scourged!

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Gundam Diplomacy: T'au vs Imperial Knights

Knights are equivalent to twiglets. One is never enough! So I, Kraken, thought I'd take on the same crew as last time, only this time with some more... exotic battlesuits. 

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Sunday 19 April 2020

Skypehammer Round 2: Routine Patrol

The campaign is already warming up - Imperial Guard hold the line against The Purge!

Warhammer 40k battle report - Eternal War -  Crusade - 500 points - Imperial Guard vs Chaos Space Marines - The Purge

The streets may be empty, but the war never ends.

Saturday 18 April 2020

Skypehammer Round 1: Fire In the Noosphere

Necessity being the mother of daft ideas, we're attempting our most ambitious series of games yet - an eight-player, narrative campaign played over Skype!

Warhammer 40k battle report - Eternal War -  Crusade - 500 points - Adeptus Mechanicus vs Tzeentch Daemons

Papa Nurgle may lock us down, but in the Noosphere, we are free.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Half a League OnWarden: T'au vs Imperial Knights

Kraken here. Been a while since I played T'au! Good looking army, I've always thought, but they feel like one of the villains of 40K to me. 

Tsk, they are not the bad guys, maybe misunderstood. Ah, I see your aversion to Tau ochre must be diminishing, I expected you to abhor the sight of that colour for a little while longer. Good to know! :)

Their reputation for fearsome gunline play is well-deserved. So what better to put them up against than one of 8th Ed's other big bogeymen, Imperial Knights?

Sounds like a good idea. My knights have not seen too much battle in their own right. Whilst they have been included as LoW in other armies, and were included in the large epic battle at last year's Woffboot, they have only had one battle (which was more onesided than I was expecting).

Friday 3 April 2020


Yeah, a pun like that in the title augurs ill for the rest of the article. But you can dig it, so let's not make a mountain out of a mole drill. Instead, let's kitbash one!

The Ninth Gate: Morale

What Do You Call People Who See The Future? (Discover The Truth!)

Nearly done with my pre-emptive look at 9th Ed. Remember, it's all completely correct until the future proves otherwise.

Today, the phase that time forgot - Morale!

Thursday 2 April 2020

Cryptics have a Cross Word with Guardians: Death Guard vs Chaos Space Marines

The Second Law vs the Crypt Angels

Once again I arranged a 2,000 point non-Skype battle but have been denied by Force Majeure. Last time it was Storm Ciara; now it's Covid-19. Neither Kasfunatu nor I have symptoms, but we both agreed it's sensible to fight remotely given that we can.

Nurgle's diseases keep people away
Not to be beaten, it's all-Skype fight day!