Monday 30 October 2023

Terminatus Est


Commission complete!

I saved the best for last. New Terminators, and a right pack of smashers they are too. Big enough for my sloppy brushwork to be confident on, for one thing! So I took a bit of extra time on them. 

Terminators feel like where I came in to this hobby, playing Space Hulk in my friend's attic thirty-odd years ago. These really are a great update on the original lead ones - better poses, same details, half the weight. It's all good! I can see myself being tempted by a box, although the Mantis Warriors don't need them. Maybe when the assault version arrive, if that happens...

Having decided I was going all in on these, I decided to put a triple colour check design on the power fists. Man, that was a bad decision - checks are hard enough to get straight with just two colours. This was Harlequin level fiddly. Whether it was no two squares the same size, one colour bleeding into the next, or just horrible wobbly lines, everything triggered my OCD. Glad I did it, unlikely to do it again!

Two bosses to finish off with. 

The Termi Captain is a nice beefy sculpt, shouting orders or defiance. Or just swearwords, who knows. Wouldn't put it past him. The Screamer-Killer he's beheaded is another pink one, which I slightly regretted. Looks good from the front, but the colour match from the back is maybe a bit much. Hey-ho, it's done now!

The Librarian was easily the most daunting model of the batch. All that fine detail on his armour, plus the feeling of obligation to try source lighting. In fact, it wasn't as impossible as I feared, the etching is nice and deep so you can get thinned paint into it relatively easily. There is a hell of a lot of it, though. 

I decided he's summoning some sort of exploding crystal, which is floating out of his hand on a length of paperclip I drilled in there. Not convinced it's the strongest support, and from certain angles it looks a bit off. The right angles make it look pretty cool, though, so it stays!

That's the lot. No more Crypt Angels to do so I'm heading for the Tyranid half next, but there's some rewards that need finishing off first.