Friday 29 September 2023


 If it's not nine-tenths of the law, it's a perfume that's made by Dior.

Or alternatively, a large batch of daemon-infused Legionaries off to serve the Crypt Angels. Kas has outdone himself with putting this clutch together. It's a mix-and-match of the new plastic kit, some conversions and some very nice Forge World stuff. 

Gal Vorbak! These Forge World chaps are just great, with their gnarly toothy claws. There's a bare minimum of Word Bearers iconography here and there, particularly the Colchisian runes burning in their armour. They were the original possessed marines, supposedly, but they didn't keep up with the times - they came with bolters or pistols, which Possessed can't use any more. So Kas has snipped those off and replaced them with either modern Possessed arms or bits from other kits (Corpse Grinders from Necromunda, I think). 

The new Possessed are great, of course, and enough of a joy to paint that I didn't mind the Greater Possessed hiding amongst them. Fourth time painting those, I think? Good stuff all the same. 

The last couple of Forge Worlders are the Blade Slaves of Zardu Layak, a Horus Heresy character. No sign of the man himself, but these hulking brutes make for a fine pair. 

Lovely stuff! Although fifteen in one go was probably a bit much - I think I need to keep my batches smaller these days. Maybe just ten next time. 

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! 15 is a hell of a batch for that kind of detailed work. They look fantastic, great conversions by Kas and typically lovely painting from you
