Saturday 29 August 2020

INT: Hive Maintenance Tunnels


That's good timing - I've just finished my Dungeons and Lasers set in time for the sequel to hit Kickstarter!

Friday 28 August 2020

Made Guard

Why buy models when you can make your own?

Thursday 27 August 2020

Swarms the Heart


Plenty of Tyranid reinforcements this summer, eBay had some good deals going. Paint the boring ones first, is my rule!

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Kraken vs Kraken: Mantis Warriors vs Tyranids

The Drawbridge System - a colossal Imperial logistics installation, providing food, ammunition and fuel to several key battlefronts. Since the events of the Zamaroon Campaign, this crucial supply nexus has become next in line for Hive Fleet Afanc. As the shadow in the warp falls across the system, the Imperium races to redeploy defence forces from more than a dozen other warzones. 

In the meantime, protection of Drawbridge falls to a tiny force of Mantis Warriors and Hagan Lamprey Scions...

Sunday 23 August 2020

Once More Into The Thirteenth: Thousand Sons vs Space Marines

Back on the tellybox - and no paywall this time!

Featured in Winters SEO YouTube battle report: Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Thousand Sons vs Space Marines - 2000pts - Eternal War - Strike Force -  Front Line Warfare

I actually managed to get further than my garden to play against Winters SEO.

Friday 21 August 2020

Robot Killymen: Black Legion vs Adeptus Mechanicus

Black Legion vs Adeptus Mechanicus!

Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Black Legion vs Adeptus Mechanicus - 1000pts - Eternal War - Incursion - Crossfire

My 9th Edition career has known nothing but heresy to date, and my poor AdMech haven't had a run-out for months. And so I, Stylus, decided to put this right by challenging Kraken to a fight!

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Magical Mystery Tour Bus

Here's a 40k landmark for me: I've finally bought, assembled and painted my first vehicle!

Thousand Sons Rhino for Warhammer 40,000

Why I chose to freehand it as well is anyone's guess...

Saturday 8 August 2020

Friday 7 August 2020

Eaters of the Dead: Tyranids vs Necrons

Necrons! They're the new big bads for the new edition. But never once have I, Kraken, faced them on the field of honour. Until now! 


Step forward General Rapid and his large and well-established dynasty, hosting tonight's Skype Fight!


Thursday 6 August 2020

Evil Knievels

It took a while to get these finished, but it's like riding a bike*.

Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Bikers for Warhammer 40,000

*(difficult, frequently-abandoned, and costing me more front teeth than I'd like to admit)

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Bless Me Father For I Have Sneezed: Crypt Saints vs Death Guard

Kasfunatius has challenged me to a rematch after our last couple of games, and I'm only too happy to accept! Tonight, we bring you a thousand points each of the very newest Space Marines from Indomitus vs the slimey old Death Guard. Fight!

Monday 3 August 2020

Cut The Wickness Out: Crypt Angels Loyal vs Crypt Angels Treacherous

No official Woffboot this year. But Kasfunatu fancied continuing the long-running saga of the Crypt Angels and their true allegiance, so he and I (Kraken) fired up the comms link and set to fighting!

Sunday 2 August 2020

Our Big Gun Has No Tires

I couldn't let the Mantis Warriors win a battle without a reward.