Sunday 31 December 2017

The Tally of 2017

And for those of you paying attention, that was 2017. At least Bowie didn't die in this one.

Guys, I just discovered this brand new game ... I think it could be big.

And this is the update to "Project: Micawber", let's all say it together...

"Annual leadpile twenty terminators, annual painting nineteen terminators nineteen marines and a cultist, result: stagnation.
Annual leadpile twenty 
terminators, annual painting twenty terminators nought and a cultist, result: progress."

Saturday 30 December 2017

Lead and Taxes - Year in Review

Nearly lights out for 2017. Funny, the great Depression back in the 1920s and 30s gave the world superhero comics and weird pulp fiction, possibly because people wanted to shut out the awfulness of the world at the time. Have Trump et al a hand in the current continuation of the Gaming Silver Age?

Image result for great depression comics
Short answer - No. They have no hands in anything good.

Thursday 28 December 2017

Thrope Floats

Still working on the Stormtroopers, don't worry. Here's some filler in the meantime.

Wednesday 27 December 2017

EXT: Secondary Generator

Much as I like the pack of scenic Objectives for 40K that GW do, I'm broke after Christmas. So it's time to Blue Peter my way through a set of six!

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Wagner's Pimp My Ride

Reckon I can just about squeeze out a final army before New Year, if I don't hang about.

Monday 25 December 2017

Christmas Bonus

A score of tiny catapults would have been no way to leave the Advent Challenge, really. So I kept on going.

Sunday 24 December 2017

Get On The Ready Line!

Dear Mum,

I am having a lovely time in the Imperial Guard, and have now joined my company. I have also been given my very own uniform, a nutri-ration pack (2 days’ worth, a feast!) and a four-volume copy of the Regimental Regulations.

Astra Militarum infantry for Warhammer 40,000 with female head from Statuesque Miniatures

Candlemass is coming!

Saturday 23 December 2017

O Nager Night

The original little donkey

Santa, you bastard. Whatever idiot put these tiny catapults on my Naughty list has only themselves to blame.

Friday 22 December 2017

Leopold-Print Cloak

Another roll on the Nice List, and it takes us back to the very beginning, my Dogs of War army!

Leopoldo di Lucci from Leopold's Leopard Company, Dogs of War for Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Let's find out what's new, pussycat!

Thursday 21 December 2017

Sing, Choirs of Blood Angels

Who needs repainting? We've got eyes and weapon markings already!

Okay, this is starting to feel personal. I don't know when I tabled Santa (although he plays Ynnari, so he clearly deserved it), but he's just hitting and hitting with the Naughty List now.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Roasting On An Open Fyreslayer

I didn't think I'd stacked the deck in favour of The Silver Tower, but along comes another model from Santa (the fifth one in ten draws).

Fyreslayer Doomseeker for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower

At least it's a single model, so let's stoke up the fire (fyre)!

Tuesday 19 December 2017

In Excelsis Moria

Yep, it's more Naughty List. I should have planned this in advance, put nothing but the most glorious miniatures on the list, albeit in large numbers or something to make them appear worse. Only then they'd have all turned into something dreadful, like first edition Blood Bowl Linemen.

Monday 18 December 2017

Chukka 'Nother Log On the Fire

This Naughty List assignment should have been an easy swing for me: rebase a couple of war machines.

But most of my painting time this week has been eaten up by travel, so this turned into a very close-run thing.

Spear Chukka for Orcs & Goblins, Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Painting by the seat of my pants.

Of course, no-one forced me to add a couple of bullies to the mix. That was my own silly fault.

Sunday 17 December 2017

Typhoid Mary's Boy Child

Nice list again! Finally!

Saturday 16 December 2017

A-Scuttling We Shall Go

Santa's not messing around. He really wants me to finish this Silver Tower set.

Grot Scuttling, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower and Warhammer Age of Sigmar

It's the Grot Scuttlings! They may be from the Naughty List, but if I can't rush out eight goblins, then I might as well hand in my paintbrushes.

Friday 15 December 2017

EXT: Coventry Carol c.1940

Sheesh. The Naughty List is just being relentless, now, I'm taking a hammering. My latest roll is a 40K ruin, but glutton for punishment that I am, I'm actually spending a CP to convert that to two rolls, so I can get the paired ruins on my commission list sorted before Christmas.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Silver Hells

Another check on the Nice List. Santa loves me!

Gaunt Summoner, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower and Warhammer Age of Sigmar

It's the Gaunt Summoner! The toughest model in the set. Santa hates me!

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Back For Morian

Finally! I got lucky and scored a roll on the Nice List!

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Merry Christmas, Darkling

Another Nice List assignment, and my third attempt at pale skin.

Darkling Coven Sorceress for Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Oh mercy, this flatters no-one.

I feel like Santa is grading me on a curve.

Monday 11 December 2017

Turkey Gobbliners

The Naughty List is being relentless here. Even more Massive Darkness (it'll all be done by Christmas at this rate), with a stash of Goblin Swordsmen.

Sunday 10 December 2017

All I Want For Christmas Is You (Off My Back)

Santa was kind to me: another single model from the Nice List, and this is one I've really been looking forward to.

Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch, for Disciples of Tzeentch in Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Rod Hell & Emo

Say hello to The Curseling and his Little Friend!

Saturday 9 December 2017

The Bridges of MassDarknesson County

Image result for massive darkness bridge tile

Oh come on! I wasn't that naughty this year. I misinterpreted a rules call in my own favour that one time, Santa, and this is what I get? More Naughty list, more Massive Darkness furniture. Bridges this time.

Friday 8 December 2017

Die Shard

I thought this title was a great pun on everyone's favourite Christmas bullet-buffet, Die Hard.

Now I'm thinking it will just bring in confused German readers looking for 'The Shard'.

Tenebreal Shard for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower
Skippee ki yay!

But to the point: my first roll on the Nice List has arrived! The Tenebreal Shard from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Boxes of Delight

Nuts, more naughty list.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

In The Bleak Middenheimer...

My third day of the Advent challenge, and my third strike on the Naughty List. I can't really complain, Santa knows what I've been up to.

So here's a selection box of Mordheim goodies!

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Dewey Decimation System

My third challenge is another solo model from the Nice list, thank goodness. I still have Tau Light Achre after the last one.

Monday 4 December 2017

Stormcast Liberators (Swindon - Con hold)

With one Naughty List item under my belt, I confidently awaited my next roll: another Naughty List.

Stormcast Eternal Liberator, Hallowed Knights stormhost, for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Oh Come, Only The Faithful!

Namely, the Stormcast Liberators I've had sitting around since June. To arms, brothers!

Sunday 3 December 2017

O Little Tau'n of Bethlehem

Critical fail on my second result. Honestly.

Saturday 2 December 2017

Elves Off The Shelves

My first swing at the Advent Painting Challenge, and I get a roll on the Naughty List: Lord of the Rings Elves!

Last Alliance Elf for Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game

Let's face it: it was the only way I was getting more of them painted.

Friday 1 December 2017

Christmas is Coming

My ass is getting fat
Please put a bolt round 
Through the old man's hat

Oh, happy days! 'Tis Woffvent once again, and thus some daily seasonal posting.