Tuesday 29 January 2019

Little Pigs, Little Pigs, Let Me Come In...

It's been a quiet January, but not for lack of effort.

Space Wolves Primaris Intercessor Pack Leader with chainsword

From now, until they're finished, we shall be painting Space Wolves!

Monday 21 January 2019

Welcome to the Jungle: Scions and Marines vs Tyranids

++ Operation Clean Slate is go. Landing zone locked, nav beacon responding. Valkyries on approach, drop teams ready. Safeties off, all teams, you may fire freely. Sweep the DZ clear of hostiles, capture and appropriate local strong points, establish a functional beachhead ahead of reinforcements. Emperor protects. ++

I know you can't say 'Let's Rock!', that's from a different film. But the sentiment holds true.

Here we go - Zamaroon Campaign battle report number one! Kraken in the guise of Tyranids.

I, Stylus, shall be taking the combined forces of the Imperium. I've played thirty-eight battles with Space Marines (simulated) and two real ones (including this one). So I totally know what I'm doing.

And our opening game takes place in the Main Compound with the Beachhead mission!

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Black to the Future

We've been here before.

Saturday 12 January 2019

Forthcoming Attractions

A new year!

If we've been quiet so far, it's only because a combination of school holidays and then going back to work doesn't leave much time for fine detailed brushwork and fluff generation. But quiet isn't the same as inactive...