Friday 30 October 2020

Rich T'au Biscuits


Not done any of these for a while!

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Hunted by the Red Orktober: Orks vs Death Guard

Bludteef's Ork warband have been battling the Ultramarines on Bagot Prime for several months now. Bludteef himself has recovered from the mauling he took from the boys in blue and what remains of his vital organs (mostly teef) have been transplanted into a new cybork body. Now his Meks have intercepted a strange signal coming from an equatorial part of the planet. It sounds like the Ultramarines are up to something, and Bludteef is keen put a stop to whatever the beakies are doing. 

But something else is going on. Many years ago a shrine to Nurgle was built in a radioactive part of the desert. The wasteland has since been mined for the uranic deposits, but the workings have in turn fallen into disrepair and the desert is reclaiming the area. Unaware of other forces interested in the plant, the Death Guard are now looking to take back the shrine for reasons known only to themselves. 

Never mind, Bludteef came to kill marines, and these ones look half dead already, so it should be easy to finish them off...

Thursday 22 October 2020

By The Power Of ...

My Masters of the Universe / Warhammer 40k mash-up is about to conclude with a flourish!

Converting Castle Grayskull from a Warhammer 40 Imperial Bastion with 3d printing.

For as long as he's been bothering Eternia, Skeletor had a dream. he wanted Castle Grayskull...

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Monday 19 October 2020

Against the GreyKn: Alpha Legion vs Grey Knights

Hotspur has returned! Facemasks in place, we faced off in person for the first time in many months. His second 9th Ed game, and a new army to try. 

Friday 16 October 2020

Magnetis Warriors

Time to embrace the Way of the Magnet!

Monday 12 October 2020

The Alphalant Mantis: Mantis Warriors vs Tyranids?

 With an operational bastion to work from, the defenders of Drawbridge needed to strike back against the Tyranid swarm hard and fast. Without a rapid counterpunch, it was simply a matter of time before they were overrun. 

Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Alpha Legion vs Mantis Warriors - 1000pts - Crusade - Incursion - Recon Patrol Mission

Captain Nampo of the Mantis Warriors and Brigadier Cholmondley-Maugham of the Hagan Lampreys quickly came up with an aggressive strategy. If they could find and destroy the major synapse creatures on the ground, the Tyranids would become disorganised. During that period, if they could muster the remaining defence forces, they might be able to recapture the planetary defence sites, get them operational and use them to drive the Hive Fleet out of orbit. This would allow the Imperial Navy to continue landing operations, as well as denying the Tyranids reinforcements. 

Analysis of the Tyranid attacks gave them three likely sites to check. The original landfall had occurred on Drawbridge's southern continent, in an area of dense rainforest, and there was a good chance the Tyranid leader beasts were still there. A detachment of Valkyries were launched to drop Scions in the area, whilst another Scion attack group moved to support the besieged industrial city of Barbican, where the Tyranids were currently pressing hard. 

The Mantis Warriors were already a depleted force, but Captain Nampo insisted on leading a scout team to check out the largest spaceport on the planet, Crenel. It had fallen to the Tyranids only days ago, the defenders going silent after a massive discharge of psychic activity. This indicated the presence of some sort of Synaptic leader, Nampo reasoned, a lead that needed to be checked out. 

Nampo took a fast-moving group of seasoned elites and raced to the ruins of Crenel, hoping to ambush and assassinate whatever Tyranid leadership they could find there. 

The Drawbridge Campaign part four - Stylus is commanding the Mantis Warriors tonight, but he's in for a surprise...

Friday 9 October 2020

Get The Flock Out Of Here

Guess what I found nesting at the back of my painting queue?

Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.


Monday 5 October 2020

Expelliarmus: Thousand Sons vs Thousand Sons

It's civil war among the sorcerers of Prospero!

Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Thousand Sons vs Thousand Sons - 1000pts - Eternal War - Incursion - Forward Push Mission

Thousand Sons vs Thousand Sons.

Saturday 3 October 2020

A Fly in the Ointment: Space Marines vs Death Guard

Waaaaay back in March, Kasfunatu was going to bring his traitor Crypt Angels to face my Death Guard warband, The Second Law, but as Covid-19 was just about to hit we decided to play the game by Skype. Now we appear to have a window to play a face-to-face game so now he's hosting and fielding the loyalist Crypt Saints (see this report for the critical battle resolving their fate and their fluff page here for all the back story). I'll be reporting in normal type and Kasfunatu in bold

Friday 2 October 2020

Film Night: The Quiet Mantis and Iron Mantis 3


Why settle for one dreadful pun when you can have two?