Friday 31 December 2021

The Tally of 2021

Another rotation of the sun inexplicably completed. All that is left are the memories.

It's not all 40k. Don't get Arcee about it.

For those who don't know, this is the idea behind "Project: Micawber"...

"Annual leadpile twenty Possessed, annual painting nineteen Possessednineteen Chaos Space Marines and a Cultist, result: stagnation.

Annual leadpile twenty 
Possessed, annual painting twenty Possessed nought and a Cultist, result: progress."

Thursday 30 December 2021

Red, White and Blood: World Eaters vs White Scars

Rotaken Deviantart World Eaters

There's always time for just one more battle, even in the dying moments of the year. Kas and Kraken here, with 1750 points worth of Grimdark Deathdealing for your reading pleasure! 

Tuesday 28 December 2021

The Season of Giving

If we all give each other miniatures, that's not the same as getting new ones, is it?

Pvt Adam of Eternia

Sunday 26 December 2021

Legion the First Day of Christmas


The 25th is kind of like Boxing Day back home, and therefore not too early to start painting again. Although I said that during the Julbord as well, in fairness. 

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Livin' Leviathan Loca: Tyranids vs Mantis Warriors

'Tis the fight before Christmas!

Warhammer battle report - Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Mantis Warriors vs Tyranids Hive Fleet Leviathan 1500pts - Open War

Green on both sides as Hive Fleet Afanc returns to take on their old foes, the Mantis Warriors.

Friday 17 December 2021

Hot T'au Pic


But it's all safe for work, I hasten to assure you. 

Monday 13 December 2021

Thursday 9 December 2021

Black Magic

 There's no such thing as too much of a good thing...

Painting Rubric Marines for Black Legion, Chaos Space Marines, Warhammer 40k

Black Rubricae!

Monday 6 December 2021

Crypt Command


First part of the commish finished! 

Sunday 5 December 2021

Underdog Day Afternoon: Thousand Sons vs Deathwing

Title Fight: get ready for the Hohenlinden In Swindon!

Winters SEO battle report - Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Thousand Sons vs Deathwing - 2000pts - Grand Tournament 2021 - Surround And Destroy Mission

Thousand Sons vs Dark Angels!

Friday 3 December 2021

Suppuration and Sorcery: Thousand Sons vs Death Guard

Hold onto your hats, this one's been brewing for years...

Warhammer battle report - Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Thousand Sons vs Death Guard 2000pts - Priority Target

Thousand Sons vs Death Guard!

Thursday 2 December 2021

Kill it with Firepower: World Eaters vs Imperial Knights


After my previous defeat at the pincers of the Great Brass Scorpion, I felt I needed a do-over. So here we go again, but this time I've got the Super-Heavies to match him!

Wednesday 1 December 2021

High Noon, Marshal: Creations of Bile vs Black Templars

The goldinium rush is a bonanza, but the consarn it if the doggone mines ain't blowin' up every darn where!

Warhammer battle report - Warhammer 40k - 9th Edition - Creations of Bile vs Black Templars - 1500pts - Open Play

Black Templars vs Creations of Bile!