Monday 23 October 2023

You're Fired!


That's the Marine side of the Leviathan box firmly broken. 

Wasn't wild about the Infernus Marines here - a bit dull-looking, especially since they're all doing pretty much the same pose. I like them more now they're painted, of course. 

I stuck a bit of extra fire on, they're crying out for that really. Mine's rather rough, I sculpted it with cotton wool and superglue. There's a reason Michaelangelo's David isn't made of cotton wool and superglue, and it's not the commercial availability of superglue in that era, but I'm pleased enough with the end result. 

No edge highlighting this time. They look all the more sooty and dark for it, which I'm claiming as lore-appropriate rather than just lazy. 

One hero, as ever - it's the Gravis Apothecary, who more than makes up for the monopose flamers. Lovely stuff, and rewarded with an extra-fancy shoulderpad. It's a pink reaper! The usual winged maw just wasn't going to stand out enough against the white, plus it's nice to mix it up a bit. Plus I can legitimately claim the theme for the week was Sooty and Reap.

Just the Terminators left to do!


  1. I think the fire looks good, but my favourite detail is the wisp of smoke on the very first pic

  2. 'Sooty and reap' is an all-time high.

  3. Whaaaaat that apothecary shoulder pad is brilliant! I love the pink grim reaper angel.

    1. Cheers! If I had a merch store, I'd get a plushy of it made.

    2. If you had a merch store, I’d by the plushy.
