Friday 29 December 2023


All Neuro for this batch!

The gruelling batch first. Neurogaunts are very much a padding unit, both from what they do on the table and how they came in the box. I mean they're fine as models go, like underfed termagants, but given that the box set had twenty rather nice 'gants in it, these didn't impress me much. 

I like the leader, though, he's pretty cool with his extra-big brain. And the base decoration, with Tyranid bio stuff slowly absorbing your planet, is nice too. A slog to paint overall, though, with nothing special to make them enjoyable.

On the table, they're eleven bonus wounds for a boss monster and good luck getting them to do much else. Extra synapse range is okay too, I suppose, but they really are an upgrade made flesh. Can't imagine fielding them if I'm not taking their boss.

Speaking of which, here's the boss's little backing singers. Neuroloids! Cute name, cute bug. 

And so to the Neurotyrant, who is genuinely a cracker. Really fun to paint, with lots of interesting textures and fiddly bits that were a challenge to reach. There's even a dead librarian on the base, or his head at least, being absorbed by more weird coral. 

This means I didn't quite manage to finish Leviathan this year, although I'm only four models away. Been a pretty decent year for me in terms of output, in that I mostly painted everything I got. There's quite a few DnL models (not terrain) I've got for next year, but that's okay. 

It might be early to state resolutions, but for me, the main one is to stop buying and play more! Barring some utter miracle of a model, I'm going to stop buying 40K stuff. All six of my armies have everything in them I want, so I'm calling them done. There's no cupboard space for another one, and Leagues of Votann (who'd be my pick) would cost about five hundred quid for two thousand points, which is ridiculous. 

Necromunda, I may still get some odds and ends for. And the Old World is likely to be a weak point for me this year, but again, I'd rather play than paint! So I'm letting the fields lie fallow for a bit, I reckon, and shifting my hobby focus away from painting and acquisition. 

Let's see if I can reach the end of January before caving in again, but until then - Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. The Neurotyrant looks great! Makes me want to get my brush around my own
