Wednesday 29 January 2020

Dem Dry Bow-nz

Archers - ready!

Monday 27 January 2020

Ritual of the Damned: It's A Kind Of Magic

Psychic Awakening 4: Ritual of the Damned is now out!

"Let's got to work."

There's been plenty of previews of what lays within, but this is catnip for the Thousand Sons and so - if only for my own understanding - I'm going to have a deep dive into the Cults of Sortiarius.

Monday 20 January 2020

The Endangered Black Rhino

These magnificent beasts are being hunted to extinction by Space Marines with the Devastator Doctrine!

Chaos Space Marine Rhino

Pledge your support, so they can afford more smoke launchers.

Saturday 18 January 2020

All Human Death is Here

While my brush is on burst fire mode, another pack of zombies.

Friday 17 January 2020


Image result for fake harry potter

Just a very quick post - it's been my eldest daughter's birthday this week, and her chosen theme for the year is Harry Potter.

Thursday 16 January 2020

New Year's Devolution

More leftovers finished off from Christmas.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

EXT: Temple of the Moon

To start my year, one in the eye for the Leadpile!

Tuesday 14 January 2020

The Spawn Supremacy: Thousand Sons vs Blood Angels

It's another local match-up as the dusty take on the thirsty!

Warhammer 40k battle report - Eternal War - Scorched Earth - 1500 points - Thousand Sons vs Blood Angels

Thousand Sons vs Blood Angels!

Monday 13 January 2020

Purge and Unpurify

One gap for the Death Guard is a lack of long-range firepower. So the obvious solution was to sort out a supporting detachment of Havocs and, when Shadowspear dropped, Obliterators and a Venomcrawler seemed like a good way to complete a Spearhead Detachment.

I wanted to keep an entirely Nurgle-aligned army so, despite the temptation of Slaaneshi shooting-twice stratagems, I chose to paint these guys up as The Purge (partly because their trait of rerolling hits once a target has been wounded is pretty good too). 

Friday 10 January 2020

Poxy Music: the rest of the Second Law warband

I bought the Start Collecting Nurgle Daemons set shortly after playing Kraken on Skype last summer, but I've not got round to painting them apart from this Poxbringer however, who I've used a couple of times to lead an Outrider detachment of Furies. His skin is Zandri Dust with washes of Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade and Seraphim Sepia (because that works so well on my Plague Marines). Horns, claws and innards are Rakarth Flesh with the same washes (the insides then get Carroburg Crimson). I then dabbed on small amounts of Red Ink to show open wounds.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Bloaty McBloatdrone and friends

Next up, some of my favourite models (and, perhaps, some of Stylus and Kasfunatu's least favourites due to their disgusting resilience).

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Dead Physicists Society: Death Guard characters

Next on my list to show you are the characters in the Second Law warband, starting with a Biologus Putrifier. He's usually my warlord so that the Daemon Prince can fly forwards and not worry about giving up Slay the Warlord. I usually give him the Arch Contaminator trait to maximise the effects of the Plague Marine squad acting as his bodyguard and the Foul Blightspawn who generally runs alongside him. I affectionately call him Maxwell.

Monday 6 January 2020

A Plague Marine on both your houses

Stylus has been bugging me for a while to get some pics of my Death Guard up. I painted some of these nearly a year ago and finished most in time for Woffboot in May, but I've only just got round to taking some pics with some decent lighting, so here they are.

Starting off with a basic Plague Marine champion:

Thursday 2 January 2020

New Year, Old Dogs

It was a sprint to the finish line before the chimes of the new year, but I got the Wolves finished!

Luckily I had this guy for company.