Sunday 27 November 2016

Safe Sects

Yeah, more of these guys.

Friday 25 November 2016

The Year of the Plague

Vulgo & ab effectu atram mortem vocatibant.
                                            - Pontanus, Rerum Danicarum Historia

Image result for black death

Looking back over the last year's worth of posts, you might be excused for thinking it's been a rather quiet year for we who Woff. But no! As previously mentioned, we've been playing a lot of Zombicide: Black Plague. Enough that we finished the campaign that comes with the core game. 

Time for a review!

Sunday 20 November 2016

Bump 'n Grund

This is an auspicious post - we've reached number 600!

(so judging by the number of subscribers to this blog, that means you get to share around 100 posts per reader - who says you don't get value with the WoffBoot?)

A report from Dungeon Saga, Dwarf King's Quest - Mission 7: Final Insult.

Back to business: after coming so close in Mission 7 of Dwarf King's Quest, we decided to have another crack at Grund, the little guy with the great big hammer!

Kraken is plain, Stylus is bold, the dungeon is deep and the gags are old - let's do this!
(if you get bored, scroll to the end - there's a vote!)

Friday 18 November 2016

Grassy Gnoll

No painted models for a few weeks, so here's a short post remedying that.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

I never got my picture shown by Tony Hart...

... but this TOTALLY makes up for it!

Your eyes do not deceive you - gracing the digital space of the Games Workshop Gallery is MY Squig Herder!

(If you look now, it will even be the first image in the top left. I assume there's a ranking system)