Thursday 9 November 2023

Plaguebearers: Here They Grow Again

 If you'd asked me what daemons were next to paint, I wouldn't have thought Plaguebearers...

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

But fate intervened, in the form of Games Workshop's new rules for unit formations. Gone is my unsinkable blob of 23 Plaguebearers. Instead, I can only have units of 10, and each ideally with a command group.

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

I was resigned to ditching my three extra Plaguebearers, but Grandfather Nurgle was looking out for me, and I discovered an incomplete sprue on eBay for seven Plaguebearers. It was meant to be.

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

As luck would have it, this sprue also had command bits on it, so I could make everything I needed to complete three full packs of Plaguebearers.

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

I also got tot rediscover the sheer joy of painting Plaguebearers with Contrast paints. Absolutely the most fun you can have with Contrast, and super-quick!

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

  • Primer: Wraithbone
  • Flesh: Plaguebearer Flesh contrast, Nurgling Green drybrush
  • Horns and buboes: Nazdreg Yellow contrast
  • Swords and banner: Screaming Bell base, Typhus Corrosion wash, Nihilakh oxide
  • Intestines: Plaguebearer Flesh contrast, Carroburg Crimson wash

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

I still had the command bits from my Plague Drones, which meant every standard bearer and musician could be different. This one also got the dubious pleasure of being portrayed having a good lick of his sword. 

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

The bellringer musician was given a Plague Marine icon, so he'd have something more impressive to bash.

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

And I was on such a roll with the Nurgle models, I threw the Spoilpox Scrivenor into the mix. Basically the same techniques as the rank and file, and an absolute joy to paint. He may be my favourite of them all.

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

The Scrivenor was a treat to myself with the prize money from Weekend At Burnie's III (which shows how long I've been putting him off) and I'm glad to get the trio of characters.

I don't think any of them are fantastic on the tabletop, and probably overcosted, but I look forward to trying them out.

Nurgle Daemons painted with Citadel Contrast for Warhammer 40k

1 comment:

  1. These models are lovely to paint, and Contrast does seem to make them both quick and extremely impressive (very nice combo). I am loving Contrast on my new Nids (I'll sort a post out on them in due course). Great work!
