Tuesday 14 November 2023

Termigal Velocity


Nice to have the Nids back on the painting table!

As ever, I'm getting the slog out of the way first. This batch brings me up to seventy one Termagants total, and whilst I'm glad of the new sculpts, I can't say I could muster up an enormous amount of excitement for painting them. 

They're scalier than before, with slightly more dynamism in their poses. Especially in their tails! The originals were dead straight, whereas these have more flow to them. Helps break up a big pack and gives them more sense of movement. 

That said, they're also more detailed. I'm sure they'd look great if I could be bothered to feather all the carapace edges, but I'm just not going to put the effort in for mass troopers. Besides, they have to match my earlier efforts, and I didn't put the time in there either. 

Which isn't to say I did nothing - half the pack got Spinefists! These are simple arm swaps from the spares I had droves of. Spinefists used to be a distinct downgrade over their other weapons (lower strength and range, and okay, yes, pistols, but they'd often be dead before they could use them). They still have those problems, but they also get twin-linked, which is a definite improvement. I could see a pack with these charging in alongside some other target and making a nuisance of themselves. Plus it's always nice to have options without resorting to magnets!

Seventy-one is a strange number. That's the other mild improvement, selling them in sensible boxes of ten instead of twelve (although that still doesn't explain how I got to seventy-one). If only they still cost the same...


  1. The tails give a marvelously slick impression, like they were the last bit to pop out before the Termies started running to their victory/death/consumption.

  2. Looks great - here's to the next 29!

  3. Spinefists definitely do look interesting, and even I support a lack of magnets in this area (I've done exactly the same as you - I'm slightly appalled to discover that even though I've just started on Nids I have 56 Gants already...)

    1. That's something else they have in common with Mr Whippy - very moreish.
