Monday 31 May 2021

Hexenhammer: Daemons vs Ultramarines

Skypehammer! We invented it here on this blog, you know. Before the pandemic even made it necessary. Some even say we might have invented the internet purely to facilitate the game. Whatever the truth of this, it's time for another one, to carry on our traditions! 

Friday 28 May 2021

Reanimaniacs: Necrons vs Ultramarines

The Ultramarines have been defending the devastated world of Bagot Prime on two fronts against the forces of Nurgle and Bludteef's Ork horde. The last thing they want to discover is that Bagot Prime turns out to be a Necron Tombworld. Now the Space Skeletons have started to wake up, it may well be the last thing the Ultramarines discover...

Another Skype battle today, with Kraken commanding the boys in blue and me, Pootle, taking command of the Necrons

Thursday 27 May 2021

If you're getting this on email, then you'll want to resubscribe

Hello. My name's Stylus and, if you're reading this, it's probably got a message sent to you over the noosphere.

If you want to skip all my blather, just resubscribe to follow us on email.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

INT: Command Deck

More Dungeons! More Lasers!

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Karry Orky Klassiks


Monday 24 May 2021

Taken Alive: Blood Angels vs Creations of Bile

Fabius Bile is looking for some blood donors, but the Angels of Death aren't keen to share.

Blood Angels vs Creations of Bile!

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Necromunda: Only You Can Prevent Workplace Fires

It's the second wave of attacks on Precinct 17, and the attacking gangs are invoking the Necromundan Law of Thermodynamics - Things On Fire Are More Fun!

Friday 14 May 2021

INT: Industrial Clutter


It's been a good year for scenery here so far. Here's some more!

Monday 10 May 2021

EXT: The Local Pool

The cupboards are bare here, I've nothing left to paint. 

Thursday 6 May 2021

Nutritious Astartes

For the other half of my Hobbypocalypse month - a very hungry spider!

Venomcrawler daemon engine for Creations of Bile army, part of the DZTV Hobbypocalypse challenge

Tuesday 4 May 2021

We Are Warp Talons

 Eyes to the skies - here comes the Hobbypocalypse!

Warp Talons with Puppetswar heads, for Creations of Bile army

Month 3 is taking wing!