Sweetwater Egress campaign finale: Episode 11

14. And on the last day, there was a noise as of the rushing of waters, and the lands of the spaceport fell in.
15. We beheld an abyss, deeper than all oceans, and it seemed to lie both inside and beyond the world, a tunnel that had been under us, all unknown, since the beginning of the world.
16. And from out of this great depth came its denizens, which were many in number and exceeding foul to look upon.
17. So it was that we knew our time had come to an end, and we were sore afraid.
- The Sweetwater Creed
The campaign concludes tonight (catch up on previous episodes here) and in battle royale style, we have a collection of shifting alliances and betrayals. Monkey's Adepta Sororitas are the last defenders of Sweetwater; Pootle's Death Guard and jhnlk's Chaos Daemons have set aside their previous differences to bring ruination on the planet; and Rapid's Drukhari just want to leave this benighted realspace raid far behind them.
Chaos Daemons
A very unusual 500pts for the Daemons - one Lord of Change and all three types of Herald (Fateskimmer, Changecaster and Fluxmaster, respectively). I wouldn't expect great things from them in melee, but they could produce some devastating mid-range shooting and a stubborn refusal to be killed (especially on home territory).
- Zcatlipo - Lord of Change (warlord)
Bolt of Change, Rod of Sorcery, Staff of Tzeentch - Crafty Xiuhte - Fluxmaster
Arcane Fireball, Herald combat weapon - Tlaloc - Fateskimmer
Arcane Fireball, Herald combat weapon, Screamer bites - Qozgath Flamefeather - Changecaster
Arcane Fireball, Herald combat weapon
Death Guard
And what's good for the Daemons is good for the Death Guard! Mortarion was painted up especially for this battle, and he is the most dangerous unit on the table by some degree. The mortal Death Guard - Biologus Putrifier and Foul Blightspawn - could sweep aside some of the weaker units. The Chaos Lord, Helmholtz, will of course be making careful notes.

- Mortarion - Daemon Primarch (warlord)
Rotwing, The Lantern, Silence - Helmholtz - Chaos Lord
Plague Bolt Pistol, Plague Fist
Enhancement: The Droning - Dolorgus - Foul Blightspawn
Plague Sprayer - Spurgus - Biologus Putrifier
Hyper blight grenades, Injector Pistol
Adepta Sororitas
With only one (very bloody) battle against the Black Legion to their credit, the Sororitas are up for this fight. Plenty of chop in this army, with the Sacresants, Repentia and Penitent Engines. Not to mention the plethora of multi-meltas. If they can overcome their relatively slow speed and general low toughness (likely to get lower), they could put out some damage.
- Mater Prudence - Canoness (warlord)
Blessed Blade, Condemnor Boltgun
Enhancement: Mantle of Ophelia - Sister Faith - Palatine
Palatine Blade, Plasma Pistol - 10 x Battle Sisters
Boltgun & Power sword, 7 x Boltguns, Heavy Bolter, Meltagun - 5 x Retributors
Boltgun, 4 x Multi-meltas - 5 x Celestian Sacresants
Inferno pistol & Spear of the Faithful, 4 x Anointed halberd & Bolt pistol
- 10 Repentia Squad
Repentia Superior - neural whips, 9 x Penitent eviscerators - 2 x Penitent Engines
Penitent Flamers & Twin penitent buzz-blades - Immolator
Armoured tracks, Heavy bolter, Hunter-killer missile, Twin multi-meltas
Finally, the Drukhari. They've had the rough end of the campaign so far, but are potentially packing some of the best firepower in the game, and now have the addition of a Razorwing Jetfighter to sweep the enemy clear.
- Aesruin - Archon (warlord)
Huskblade, Splinter pistol - Maqsima - [Lelith Hesperax]
Just Some Really Cool Blades - 10 x Kabalite Warriors
8 x Splinter rifle, 1 x Dark lance, 1 x Splinter cannon - 5 x Scourges
1 x Shardcarbine, 1 x Blaster, 1 x Dark lance, 2 x Haywire blasters - 5 x Scourges
3 x Shardcarbine, Blast pistol & Solarite weapon, 1 x Shredder - Venom
Bladevanes, Splinter cannon, Twin splinter rifle - Ravenwing Jetfighter
Bladed wings, Razorwing missiles, Twin Splinter Rifles, 2 x Dark lance
Mission and Deployment
Oh boy, where to begin with this one...
We have four factions: Adepta Sororitas, Drukhari, Death Guard and Chaos Daemons. The two chaos forces will be considered one faction (unless they want to betray each other - it could happen).
The map, as shown below, has a massive warp rift in the middle of it and two warp gates either side. Everyone has different win conditions:
- The Sisters must destroy both warp gates (these have the same profile as Rhinos, with a 5++ save)
- The Drukhari must get 50% of their force through the gates and into the Webway (they've had enough of this planet).
- To travel through a gate, you must be touching it at the start of any phase and roll 4+ (for the near gate) or 3+ (for the far gate).
- If you pass, you are removed from play.
- If you fail, you are moved to the other gate.
- The Chaos faction must stop both of these win conditions to win.
- In addition, each respective chaos faction must be the last one standing to win (see what I meant about betrayal?)
The Shadow of the Warp and Nurgle's Gift is entirely within the chaos rift, and does not take effect outside it.
For those adding up, the two chaos factions have 500pts each, while the Adepta Sororitas and Drukhari each have 750pts. So this means that chaos will outnumber each of the individual factions (and, with two big beasts, they will certainly outclass them)... assuming they can cooperate.
The Durkhari deploy as hidden as possible in the north-east corner. Archon and Kabalite Warriors in the ruins, backed by Scourges.
Maqsima (faux-Leilith) and the other Kabalites in the Venom, also tucked away in the ruins with Scourges behind them. The Razorwing jet fighter is right at the back, but distance shouldn't be a problem for it.
The Adepta Sororitas occupy the south-west corner of the deployment zone (the two forces weren't obliged to do this, but clearly wanted a bit of elbow room).
Front-and-centre are the Penitent Engines, with Canoness Prudence and the Sacresants behind them.
Palatine Faith (the lieutenant) leads the Battle Sister squad in the ruins, jostling with the Repentia.
On the other side of the field, deep within the warp, go the Lord of Change, the Fateskimmer and Fluxmaster - all of them hiding behind their Death Guard allies.
As a backstop, the Changecaster takes up a post on the furthest warp gate.
The Death Guard deploy very carefully, ensuring that they are just out of charge range of the Penitent Engines, should the Sororitas get the first turn.
The order of play will be randomised, turn by turn, and the Drukhari win the first roll!
Turn 1: Drukhari
Aesruin's skin still bled where the craft of his Homonculi had sewn him back together. The mon'keighs' blades had not been kind, but they had typically underestimated the resilience of his kind, as well as their surgical expertise. Unpleasant wounds, but not fatal.
The wind whipped painfully against the sutures as his Venom sped towards the webway. He would be glad to show this planet a clean pair of heels. A good bounty of souls rested in the hulls of his skiffs. Time to return to Comorragh before everything fell into the warp.
He braced himself against the stinging gale. Somewhere ahead, something howled, the cold screams of a hunter.
The way home was watched. It would not be an easy escape.
Avoiding the warp completely, the Razorwing screams down the flank, heading for the more reliable warp gate. The Venom and one squad of Scourges follow behind in its jetwash
Only long-range guns are viable at this point, and most of the shots are directed against Mortarion, bouncing off his armour. The only direct hits are from the Venom's splinter cannons, which gun down the Foul Blightspawn and give us the first kill of the night!
The Archon and his followers keep their heads down in the ruins, but the Scourges make an immediate dash for the closest warp gate.
The roll is a good one, and the first Drukhari unit has escaped!
Turn 1: Chaos
Do I still live? Helmholtz asked himself.
He wasn't sure. There was evidence both for and against. Empirically, he could think, he could feel. A lesser mind might have taken this as proof enough. But Helmholtz was, first and foremost, a scientist.
The world had caved in, the warp rift the Black Legion had opened had begun to take hold. He could see it, see the waveforms as they twisted from biphasic sine to the polyphasic bezier arcs of the empyrian. It was divine, glorious. It was also impossible that he should be able to see it with his own eyes.
Had space and time shrunk, or had he always been this big? Hadn't entropy always fought against his will in times past, rather than rushing to his bidding at a word? His children had obeyed him before, but had they done it with a devout, almost zealous reverence?
He doubted it. Something had changed, was still changing. His own flesh, yes, but his mind too, or his soul. Or had he become part of something bigger? He needed more evidence. Hungrily, he reached out to examine this strange new world.
Instantly, something disturbed the data. Energy patterns, vicious lines that slashed through his beautiful waveforms, disfiguring the geometry and unbalancing the equations.
It was his experience that science was always opposed by dogma. And as ever, the deniers and haters were here, still trying to silence his findings with voices raised in pious song.
Roaring in fury, riding the crest of a wave of power, he turned his attention on them.

With a cooperation that is characteristic of their patron gods, the chaos forces immediately divide and begin hunting down separate prey.
The Lord of Change races towards the Drukhari, followed by the Fateskimmer and Fluxmaster. A strong Bolt of Change immolates the Scourges, who won't be escaping anywhere.
With his mortal followers jogging behind, Mortarion heads directly for the Sororitas. He clips a few wounds from a Penitent Engine with The Lantern and suffocating a Sacresant with Rotwind.
Alas, Mortarion's caution in deployment means he has a long charge ahead of him - and he falls short by an inch! The daemon primarch's foetid chin is now exposed for a counterpunch.
Turn 1: Soroitas
"The Mantle of Daphne! Our most treasured relic is here with us, and I know you will fight to defend it to your last breath and beyond. We will not live past this day." Prudence paused, taking in the grim faces of her battle sisters.
"But neither shall they! We break them here, with the Holy Trinity! Ave Daphne! Ave Imperator! Mors ad proditores!"
Death to traitors, the sisters shouted back in one great voice. Prudence looked down on them with mingled pride and fury, knowing that she would not see them again.
Wait, she thought. This has already happened! We already fought, we already died. I remember the pain, the traitor's spear...
Her hand clutched at her breast where she'd taken her mortal wound, touched the green and gold cloth of the relic.
The Mantle! Daphne's Mantle - the legends were true! Time's fabric might unravel, but the Saint's mantle would stay true.
She lived again. Her sisters lived again. It was a miracle.
She would not waste it.

With no holding back, the Sororitas immediately zero in on Mortarion. The Immolator unloads its cargo of Retributors and takes aim with its multi-meltas. The Penitent Engines and Sacresants step into the warp and close in for the charge.
The Penitent Engines only have eyes for Mortarion, but they do pause to hit the Biologus Putrifier with heavy flamers, immolating the second of the Death Guard characters.
The Retributors aren't so fortunate, and only one of their multi-melta shots penetrates Mortarion's barbaran plate, taking off a few wounds. The Immolator misses entirely, but blasts a couple of wounds from the Death Guard Lord with its heavy bolter.
Then everyone charges in - including the Immolator, who is hoping to Tank Shock a few wounds off. Their combined efforts only bring Mortarion down to 9 wounds, whereupon he swings back with Silence and effortlessly smashes the Penitent Engines.
Turn 2: Chaos
"You cannot deny progress!" Helmholtz bellowed, swinging his scythe, the scythe he knew could not be his. He knew that blade from somewhere else. A story? A picture?
No! No matter, focus. The deniers must be destroyed. He concentrated, reached out with his mind. Mass dissolved, became energy. He could see the dance of electrons and protons, flickering between possible states as they danced over the edge of non-existence.
A thought, and the potentials collapsed, became impotent, rigid, fixed. Nowhere to hide, no escaping their equal and opposite equivalents. So small, motes in the eye of a god. He blinked, and they were gone. His focus brought anti-matter.
Metal turned to ionised powder ahead of his scythe blade. Mortal faith in steel, iron and adamant rendered meaningless in a moment.
He was death. He was annihilation. He was mortality made manifest, a living proof of the end of everything.
Nothing could withstand him.

Chaos gets the next turn and doesn't mess about. Mortarion prudently uses Gifts of Decay to bring himself back up a few wounds.

The daemon detachment flies through the warp to intercept the Drukhari. The magical blasts of Fateskimmer and Fluxmaster manage to crack the Venom, spilling out its passengers.
The Fateskimmer also knocks three wounds off itself with a miscast spell - the first damage the daemons have taken so far!
The Lord of Change wipes out the stunned Kabalites with its Bolt of Change and Rod of Sorcery, then charges into Maqsima (a gladiatorial duel that she had probably not had trained for).
The arena champion dodges and dives the greater daemon's blows, manages to hold on by a single wound, and scratches one of its hamstrings in return.
For the Death Guard, the Chaos Lord runs forward and lobs a grenade at the Retributors, who are finished off by a Rotwind.
In melee, the Canoness and Sacresants hack away at Mortarion, their strikes given extra power from The Blood of the Martyrs ability.
For his turn, Mortarion selects the Immolator as his next target. One blow of Silence and the tank is kaput, although he must have struck the fuel tank because the vehicle explodes.
Mortarion takes a wound, two Sacresants are cut down by shrapnel, and the biggest blast wipes out the Chaos Lord - goodbye Helmholtz!
Turn 2: Drukhari
He wasn't death. He wasn't mortality itself. It wasn't his scythe with an edge that killed time itself.
"I am Helmholtz!" he found himself saying, standing alone.
The end was upon them, an interference pattern feeding on itself before a terrible, final collapse. He was standing in the middle of it, the fluid interface of being and non-being. But his body was his own again, his thoughts in their true mind.
Before him, a dark shape towered on terrible wings. I was there, he realised. I was part of a god for a moment. The smoky cowl hid its true nature, but he recognised it, a survivor of an ancient age. A story from the oldest heresy.
Beneath the brooding shadow, something shone. Painful light, something fierce and frightening. Something the mighty creature strove desperately with. In its struggle, it had let him go, freed him from its suffocating clutch.
I am free! Helmholtz thought. And then, I am dying!
Away from the power of the daemon, reality asserted itself. The wounds the reaver had given him were still there. He still bled.
As he toppled to his knees, he smiled. For a moment there, he'd been a part of something so much greater than himself. And his life's work was, after all, complete.
It was time to go.
Drukhari are next, and determined to book it out of Sweetwater. The Archon takes his remaining Kabalite Warriors to the nearest warp gate.
The Razorwing races forward for the furthest warp gate, leaving Maqsima to her fate (spoilers: her fate is to be stepped on by the Lord of Change). Warp energies flicker, and the Razorwing passes its test and flies straight into the webway. The Drukhari are almost away!
Everything now rests on the Archon's dice roll - if they fail, they'll end up on the wrong side of the battlefield at the tender mercies of the Tzeentch daemons.
It's a pass, and the last of the Drukhari units escape - they win!
"Sayonara, suckers!" |
Turn 2: Sisters
Aesruin felt the dread winds of the warp on his tender-edged skin. He could even see them, Neverborn. Not children of She Who Thirsts, but terrible creatures all the same. Things that would have no truck with his bargains, who couldn't be appeased by a simple feeding, and were best avoided.
As the edges of reality blurred and broke, he realised he was urging the Venom on with every ounce of his being. There was nothing to take joy in here, no suffering to milk. Only the risk of true death balanced against the knife-edge of a faint chance of life.
The edges of the webgate flickered past. The dying world was gone, the dark city spread beneath them. A world of dying instead, no less fearsome. Here, for now at least, it would be others doing the dying.
Aesruin smiled, his fear vanishing and forgotten in moments.
He was home.
But the battle doesn't end there, not least because the Adepta Sororitas are out for blood.
The Sacrescants begin their turn by failing battleshock and, due to the Shadow of the Warp, the last two Sisters find their heads exploding. That just leaves the Canoness fighting Mortarion, so she backs off to give her flock a clear shot.
The last of the Sororitas reserves move up to engage. The Palatine and the Battle Sisters form a firing line of the edge of the warp, while the Repentia race forward to charge.
After some sporadic firing, the Repentia take their long charge - and make it!
The Repentia are ready to let rip with their eviscerator chainswords, not least because Monkey has discovered the Holy Rage stratagem, whose +1 to would will help against Mortarion's toughness.
Even so, they can't quite hack down the daemon primarch, and he's left on a single wound. Silence swings back at the unarmoured Sisters, but with an invulnerable save and a feel no pain ability, only half of them are cut down.
Turn 3: Sisters
Mater Prudence dashes through the veils of blackness that swirl on the edge of destruction.
The planet is going. One moment, she runs through the broken columns of an abbey as the arched roof falls in. The next, she strides through an infinite void of indigo stars, feet pounding over frozen nothingness.
Her sword sings in her hand, loud as the song in her heart. The light of the Golden Throne shines around her. She is already martyred. Death has no sting left for her. It is almost peaceful.
Around her, the looming shapes of the neverborn swirl and clutch. Their thirst is tangible. They reach for her time and again, but she outruns them, or slays those in her path. Her sisters are with her, a wall of fury.
But there's a deeper darkness ahead. It calls them, names tolling like a bell, a bell of rust in a broken tower. Each knell snuffs out a candle, a soul lost to the dark.
Prudence runs towards the tolling, dread blossoming in her like ink in water.

And the Emperor must be smiling upon them, because the Sisters get that elusive double-turn! The surviving Repentia break from combat and follow the Canoness towards the furthest warp gate (now remembering their primary mission was to destroy them)
Close enough for grenades, the Palatine lobs a grenade in Mortarion's direction. It's a bit of a dud, and only inflicts a single wound - but the daemon primarch fails to shrug it, and is destroyed!
(I would say he was hurled back into the warp - but he's already there. Maybe he got hurled back into reality somewhere)
The remaining Battle Sisters celebrate his demise by blasting the nearest warp gate, knocking off half its wounds.
Seeing how the wind is blowing, the Lord of Change and Fateskimmer fade back into the shadows, using The Realm of Chaos stratagem.
Turn 3: Chaos
I am the death of hope and the end of time.
I cannot be defied. I cannot be stopped. I cannot be stood against.
Why do you persist? Why try?
Why will you not simply give in to the inevitable?
There you stand, little creatures of time and dust. All your energies burning brightly as you desperately try to ignore what awaits you. Your lifetimes are futile, feeble, frail, a book of matches lit one after another and thrown into the dark well of time.
Yet there you are, hurling your little sparks into my face over and over and over. Faith, you call it, faith that your actions have meaning. Faith that there is something worth fighting for.
It is misplaced.
The tides in the warp shift. Something changes, the echo of a laugh that I recognise and do not like. Other powers are at play here and I tire of your sacrifices. They remind me of something I once had. You will lose that same thing, all too soon. It makes me sad.
Sweetwater dies, you with it. This happens even if I am not present, so I can turn away.
Goodbye, little ones. We shall not meet again.

Now the only chaos faction on the board (so that's half their mission accomplished) the Lord of Change and Fateskimmer jump back into action. And because the entire warp is within the Shadow of Chaos, the Lord of Change can deepstrike within 6" of the Repentia.
A barrage of magical missiles from the Fluxmaster and Fateskimmer (no less than Crafty Xiuhte himself) knocks the Canoness down - although she's right back on her feet thanks to the Divine Intervention stratagem.
The Repentia are not so favoured, and are completely wiped out by the Lord of Change's sorceries.
The greater daemon then attempts a charge at the Battle Sisters, but falls short (or thought better of it).
Turn 4: Sisters
There, in the heart of the thickest gloom, Prudence sees her sister, Faith, standing alone with a prayer and a grenade.
They say the gods of chaos give their aid to those who ask for it. Gifts of strength and power, and all you need to give for such infinite boons is service. Often something you'd have done anyway. Battling down a mutual enemy. Destroying some barrier to your own progress that secretly held them back, something they perhaps couldn't touch from their immaterial realm. You scratch their backs, they scratch yours.
Prudence loves her Emperor because he is not like those fickle friends.
As Faith throws the grenade, every atom of her being concentrated on destroying her foe, Prudence knows that the Emperor has done nothing here. His light merely is, it is there, it is constant. It does not touch the daemon, shrivel its flesh or burn it away.
It is Faith that does that, Sister Faith and her grenade. A simple weapon, unblessed, although no less holy for it. The holiness comes from the purity of her action, not some power from beyond. It is clean physics that burns the fuse and sets a fire in the void.
Faith believes it will work, even in the face of impossible evil.
So it does.

The remaining Sorotias' plan is very straightforward, and everyone dogpiles the Lord of Change.
And things go very well. With a combination of a handy grenade and volley of bolter fire, the Holy Rage stratagem and the Palatine's ability to inflict mortal wound from her Rapturous Blows ability, the Blessed Order of St Daphne manage to banish the greater daemon in a single round of combat!
Clearly they were warmed-up for giant slaying after Mortarion.
Turn 4: Chaos
The great dark clot burns away, gone in a blink of an eye.
Darkness remains, and the hungry tendrils of unmaking that gnaw at the edges of vision and sanity. The warp is here. Sweetwater pours into it, every second seeing the destruction of mile after mile of a once sacred world.
On the lip of that tumult, Faith and Prudence stand.
Swimming up against the tide come the burning predators of the warp, laughing as their entropic cousin fades from view.
Can chaos have an architect? If anything can lay claim to such a title, it is Crafty Xiuhte. The world is burning, and it is the heart of that flame.
It dances for joy in the mouth of destruction.

But there are still three Heralds of Tzeentch out there, and only a handful of Sisters. The Changecaster and Fluxmaster close to get into casting range while the Fateskimmer, undaunted by what happed to its boss, charges into the Battle Sisters.
The Fateskimmer has no better luck and, after the Screamers have chomped down on a few battle sisters, the Palatine leads the counterstrike and tears the chariot to pieces.
Turn 5: Chaos
Fire lights up the void. Armour cracks and warps. Prudence sees her Battle Sisters fry in their armour, baked to cinders and lost in the howling gale.
Hooting and shrilling, the daemons caper away into limitless nothingness. They cannot be reached. They cannot be stopped.
Prudence charges after them, undaunted.

Now Chaos gets to double-turn the Sororitas. The two remaining spellcasters get to maximum casting distance (they're in no mood to fight melee) and blast away at the Battle Sisters squad until only three of them are left.
Note: even though both warp gates are intact, we had agreed to play unlimited turns, so if the Sororitas kill all the daemons, they have all the time they need to destroy the gates. So this is winner takes all.
Turn 5: Sisters
She sings as she runs into endless night.
"Who would true valour see
Let them come hither!
One here will constant be
Come wind, come weather!”
And her sisters, those that remain, take up the song with her.

The Sisters advance steadily towards the daemons, picking out the Changecaster with their limited shots. While the holy stakes of the Canoness' condemnor boltgun take off most of its wounds, it is the Palatine's plasma pistol, naturally, that provides the coup de grace.
Turn 6: Sisters
No daemon nor foul fiend
Haunts or dejects me!
I know the Golden Throne
Holds and protects me!
So Chaos, fly away!
Dark night fears break of day!
We’ll triumph come what may!
Sisters of Battle!

Only one daemon left and the initiative goes to the Sororitas. Unpinning the last of her grenades, the Palatine makes a perfect throw and ends Craft Xiuhte's time on this plane of existence.
Against all odds, the Adepta Sororitas prevailed!
Result: Victory to the Drukhari and Adepta Sororitas!
Locker room
Well, that didn't disappoint! For the most random scenario we'd devised so far, this balanced itself pretty well. The Drukhari/Sororitas alliance had more materiel on the board, but since the Drukhari were trying to remove their own units, that wasn't going to last.
Strategically, it would have been better for the chaos forces to concentrate against one target, but that would have been less fun and the guiding principle of this campaign has always been to follow the fun. There were fantastic hero moments there, not least a Palatine that racked up an impressive tally of kills.
And so ends the Sweetwater campaign (although I daresay Kraken will give us an epilogue). It's been an absolute blast to run over the last three months, and getting out all my toys for battle has massively boosted my enthusiasm for Warhammer 40k (more so than 10th Edition did). It's also been fun working out the narrative scenarios - much my preferred way to play. I can't wait to add more units to all these armies and get them on the table.
A big thanks to Stranger-Come-Knockin, jhnlk, b1llyb0b, Kasfunatu, Rapid, Monkey, Pootle and Kraken for playing along and getting into the spirit of the narrative. Extra thanks to Pootle for all of the battle maps and Kraken for the spellbinding narrative text throughout.
Hope you enjoyed the ride!
34. So singing, the last of the Sisters of Daphne went into the rift.
35. And they were slain or lost or changed, and none returned.
36. Nor was Sweetwater saved, but devastated with the loss of all but a very few.
37. And this was recorded in the tithes of the sector and made known to the Throne, and in time mourned in the holy places of Holy Terra by the great throngs of the faithful there, for ever when the Great Enemy throws down a work of His hands will the goodly wail and weep, knowing as all must that that our hours are few, and who can say when the last shall chime?
38. Yet Sweetwater did not fall into the warp.
39. Although dead and barren, the world remains, and this shrine you stand within has been built upon it to outlast the aeons.
40. Know then that this book shall rest upon the altar, and in it are written the deeds of Faith and Prudence, recorded in this book that all who seek Redemption may read and take heart.
Here endeth the Sweetwater Creed.
++Ave Imperator++
Ahhh what a finale! It was an epic conclusion!
ReplyDeleteThanks Stylus, Kraken and Pootle for creating an epic campaign. I had a delightful time guiding Crafty Xiuhte and its minions through each scenario.
Crafty Xiuhte is now a mainstay of my daemon hordes.
DeleteAbsolutely cracking campaign, well done everyone involved, but particularly Stylus for organising it (and coming up with some fantastic yet surprisingly balanced missions) and Kraken for wonderful narrative - I do love the one here with a great summary of all involved.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the scenarios worked so well, and suspect it had a lot to do with the players.
DeleteWhat is it about Sisters with grenades? They're holy terrors with those things; many a Chaos character of mine has been surprised by a krak bomb down the gullet in his time. None quite so mighty as the Prince of Pestilence, the Plague Angel, the dread master of the Fourteenth himself… but who else would show up to the death of a world?
ReplyDeleteAnyway. Thank you for sharing this campaign! Food for thought, food for feeling, a fine eleven courses down the hatch. Surprise Necromunda was surprising but it shouldn't have been. Any excuse, right?
Glad you enjoyed, it was really fun to build this campaign.
DeleteAnd there's always room for a cheeky Necromunda.