Wednesday 12 December 2018

Fade to Blackstone

Not done yet, so I'd better keep painting.

These are good models, no two ways about it. Even the ones I wasn't so sure about when the leaks started happening (the Negavolt Cultists, for example) are inspiring to put brush to. Much easier to paint stuff when you're enjoying it, right?

Edward Cattleprodhands and pals here looked too busy and spindly on first glance. And they are, but it's not the end of the world. All those tiny tentacles are going to tear away the first time anything moderately bad happens to the model, but they are pretty cool. And they don't have eyes! Which always grants them +10 to Paint in my book.

The Ur-Guls are very quick and easy to do. Rakarth Flesh, Coeliac Greenshade, Ulthuan Grey layers, Red and Purple washes for face and hands. Done.

Love the Beastmen. Big, chunky and tough looking. Shame there's not a touch more variation in the poses, but it would be very easy to convert some different weapons or arms on. Which I will when I come round to these again!

And finally, who doesn't love a pair of halfling rogues on a caper in the Grimdark? Other than the Inquisition, at least? Part of me wanted them to be in the traditional yellow and green of a Shirriff, but I bottled it. Green and brown is a bit more muted and military, really, there isn't enough whimsy in the models to merit a rustic police treatment.

One last batch to do, and it's mostly characters! Excellent!


  1. Cool stuff! I'm trying to figure out how to get the Negavolt Cultists into a colour scheme that's reminiscent of Megavolt from Darkwing Duck, but with so little clothing on them, it's kind of hard.

    I considered doing a double CCW and a Gunfighter Beastman, but went with all of them having one of each. Seeing how yours came out, I kind of wish I had gone that way, because they look badass!

    I hadn't thought of doing the classic halfling green and yellow on the twins, but now that you mention it, I think I am going to go there. Just gonna keep the yellow muted, Averland sunset with some shade of brown wash or something like that.

    1. Cheers! I'm figuring that the beastmen and renegade guard may well see use in necromunda over time, so random weapons are worth it. Still got spare guns from ganger sprues that might see use yet!

    2. I'm quietly impressed with the Beastmen stats. A Tzaangor option for regular Heretics. I have a load of Gor that may now get equipped with chainswords and pistols to join my four.

    3. See how many attacks ur-guls get on the charge?

    4. Just checking... 6 attacks!
      But they look like Gollum!
