Sunday 30 September 2018


End of the see-son sale! Eye one, get one free!

Yes indeedy, it's a twofer on Polyphemoi. These are the two biggest monsters in the Massive Darkness set, towering over their chums by a good inch in most cases.

Nobody's blinding me!

They're another Mr and Mrs set, too. Mrs Cyclops describes her job as Spearmaiden. Is this the garb of a maiden these days? My youngest daughter kept asking me why she has 'a big flappy bum hanging out', which is an entirely valid question. Perhaps no skirt can take the strain. Perhaps she'd had a little accident. Perhaps she got dressed in a hurry. Who am I to say?

I Like Cyclops and I Cannot Lie

Mr Cyclops works as a Cliffbreaker. There was a mild temptation to paint his loincloth in blue and white, then claim he fell into a cauldron of magic potion as a baby. Alas, I didn't have a tiny metal Dogmatix for his base, so he had to make do with this elderly Milliasaur from Original Necromunda. He needed a bit of extra basing, that huge rock makes him pretty unstable otherwise.

Actually, Mrs needed a bit of basing too, just because there was a large expanse of ground that looked a bit dull otherwise. Some fallen weapons and sticks from the bits box. Plus these two got gravel and sand painted grey, instead of the Citadel Technical stuff I've used so far, because that's nearly run out and wouldn't quite cover both these bases.

Painting Guide (selected highlights):

  • Cliffbreaker Skin - Black basecoat, Eshin Grey, Nuln Oil, Eshin Grey/Dawnstone/Ulthuan Grey highlighting, another wash of Nuln Oil
  • Rocks - Steel Legion Drab, Agrax, Gorthor Brown plus XV88 drybrush, Rakarth Flesh Drybrush, Pallid Wychflesh Drybrush
  • Shieldmaiden Skin - XV88, Agrax, XV88 plus Zandri Dust layer, Zandri Dust plus Kislev Flesh layer, Kislev Flesh highlights
  • Shieldmaiden Armour - Ahriman Blue/Kabalite Green 50/50 mix basecoat, Algal Green wash, Ahriman Blue layer wet blended up with white a bit, final drybrush of Skink Blue, Skrag Brown washed into dents

Originally, these two were going to be the final models in the run, saving the biggest bosses for last. I rethought for two reasons, though, one of which is that they aren't in fact my favourites. The other is that I might have need of a rock-throwing cyclops for a project in the near future, so watch this space...


  1. Ha! That's a bummer that you didn't have a suitable Dogmatix at hand. That would be a great AU Obelix!

    1. Dunno who I'd paint as Asterix, though. One of the goblins?

    2. Dude. Now I kind of want to figure out if there's a good Shadespire band to paint up as Asterix characters.
