Wednesday 17 October 2018

Final One and Done!

What better to celebrate the wrap party with than a hideous conglomeration of mutated flesh?

I've always been a sucker/had suckers for a good spawn model. Between the Overseer and this guy, the Nightmare Thing, Massive Darkness got me good. One of the best shambling monstrosities you can find on the market today, for my money, and not quite as nightmarish to paint as I was thinking.

Plenty of difficult to reach bits underneath it, fair enough. Really I should have taken it off the base, but I didn't fancy the hassle or risk to the model of hacking about on the hard plastic. In all honesty, having some bits that are a bit vague is perfectly fine. Who cares if you can't quite work out whether those are underlimbs or tentacles? That's kind of the point.

There are lots of washes going on here. Gloss Nuln Oil over the initial bases, which were Kislev Flesh on the light bits and a blend of Black and Rakarth Flesh for the rest. Then I highlighted it in the relevant layers, did the eyesacs and teeth, and went to town with Carroberg Crimson, Druchii Violet, Drakenhof Nightshade and a final layer of Gloss Nuln Oil. A few altered areas of flesh, gore, hair, etc, and job's a good 'un.

As is the whole project! Just in time, too, the postman came calling yesterday. So I could pretend I was going to take a break, but it wouldn't be true. The Nightmare Thing is the final model not only because I saved my favourite until last, but also because it makes a great bridge into the Lovecraftian ghastliness I'll be doing next.

Until then, however, time for the obligatory group shots!


  1. Well done! Finished a whole set (I wonder what that sensation feels like?)

    Excelled work on those evil eye effects.

    1. Thanks!

      The feeling of completion is as though millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced, only more relaxed.

  2. I can see why you saved this one for last. Looks like a whole lot of fun to paint. Always nice to see a good Unholy Abomination That Should Not Be.

    That's a wery impressive bunch down there below too. I'm hoping to get the Silver Tower set done before too much longer, but it looks like the Massive Darkness set is about an order of magnitude larger. Certainly lives up to the "Massive" part of the name!

    1. Thanks! It's been great to paint, too, a really good mix of units and individuals with plenty of new challenges.

    2. Silver Tower ... oh yes, I've got three more to go before I can complete that set. I'll get around to it. One of these days.

  3. Is it because the word Tower in the title is setting off your scenery painting phobia?

    1. Very likely. Also my fear of ever completing anything. It's a perfect storm, really.
