Sunday 14 October 2018

Final Four: Hellsbane

I'm so close to wrapping this project, I can't find time to think of a pun.

Something to do with Predator, maybe? On account of the lookalike face? 'What the Hellsbane are you?', perhaps? No, I'd rather spend time painting.

This proud Daemon Prince is in vaguely Slaaneshi colours, because that completes the quadrilogy of principal gods in my collection. I've got a parrot-style Tzeentchian, a big red Khornate tank, the goatish bat-horror for Nurgle and now this guy. Never been a fan of Slaanesh, fluff-wise, it all felt a bit puerile somehow. Like what the fifth-formers imagined after reading about the Marquis de Sade. Plus I'm a big prude.

Rulewise, however, it's a solid choice, so I'm glad to have my bases covered!

Painting was done with Emperor's Children Pink washed with Drakenhof Nightshade (a really good choice for shading almost any flesh colour, I find), then shaded up towards Warpfiend Grey with whites. Blacks layered with grey and given a gloss finish for contrast on the carapace, then bone-coloured spikes and horns. The crown of horns round the head were originally plain bone, but looked too pale, so I finished them off with brown and black drybrushing as I often do these days.

I'm planning on finishing the others by the end of the week, they're already basecoated and washed. But I got all involved on this guy this evening, for some reason, so I will probably do the others the same courtesy!


  1. Looks pretty badass to me! Personally, I've been a fan of Slaanesh since I found out about Noise Marines, but to each their own \m/

    1. Noise marines I'm on board with, 100%. Okay, that's pretty 5th form too, big hair metal bands were in when I was in the 5th form. But if you can fry a Marine in power armour with your riffs, you have my approval, sir.
