It's been a good year for project completion!
It's what, three and a half years since the
huge box of Reaper stuff arrived on my doorstep? Feels like more, somehow, perhaps because I paid for it more like five years back. Getting it finished has taken a while, but is very much worth it.
I got some fantastic models out of the box, along with a few... less impressive ones? But there's several who are now mainstays of my army lists, like my ersatz Tervigon or the ruined tower that became the inspiration of my snowy ruin board. Not that I painted everything, in all honesty - a handful were given away at a previous Woffboot, and my daughters have already inherited a few.
But we're still talking a good 150 models or so. I'll try for a group shot in the near future, but they're scattered throughout my cupboard (as well as taking up tons of room when laid out) just for the bragging rights!
This final batch is another group of heroes and some baddies to square up against. Plenty of splashing about with the new metallics here, I got carried away. You really can get some nice results, though, the beetle carapace and the opal in the staff being the best.
The heroes are mostly female. And mostly standard Fantasy fare again, lots of thigh on display. I think the barbarian lady is supposed to be barechested too, but that felt a bit much to me. The apothecary/priestess is wearing sensible robes at least, so that's something.
A tiny bagpipe player, a ninja and a rather fine samurai make up the rest. The Samurai in particular is bristling with detail (or, well, is soggy with it, this is Reaper Bones after all), he made for a daunting bit of painting. But he's come out well.
Then you've got a series of the larger monsters, and they've all been grouped together because they're all doing high fives. Bonus points to you if you can identify the DnD monsters they represent without cheating and looking them up!
You get a high five! |
And you get a high five! |
And you get a high five, whatever you are! |
Even you get a high five! |
And you get a... okay, we'll skip you. |
Oh, cobblers. Now there really isn't anything else in the leadpile to paint, it's going to have to be scenery...
Very impressive accomplishment! I like the monsters best, but I think that's mostly just because the mediocre detail of Bones minis is more noticeable on humans, since we know what they're supposed to look like. The beetle carapace effect is awesome. I don't know most of the monsters, but I think the second one is a Vrock. Or maybe Adrian Toomes ;)
ReplyDeleteVrock is correct - ten points!