Final game of Weekend at Burnie's 3 - Waaagh!

And if you've made it this far, don't miss the twist at the end...
My final battle was back to fighting xenos again - in this case, the Orks!
Our mission was straightforward - there were points to be had for objectives scattered in each of the four table corners, but the real prize was a Tear of Magnus in the middle - this was going to be a relic hunt!
The Evil Warriors - Chaos Space Marines

Renegade Chapters - Vanguard Detachment
- Tzeletor - Master of Possession (HQ) (Warlord)
Bolt pistol Force stave, Frag & Krak grenades
Warlord: Exalted Champion
Psychic powers: Cursed Earth, Possession - Psi-Klops - Chaos Lord (HQ)
Power sword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
Relic: The Murder Sword - Brazen Beast-Man - 8 x Khorne Berzerkers (Elite)
2 x Lightning Claw, 7 x Bolt Pistols, 4 x Chainaxes, 3 x Chainswords, Frag & Krak grenades, Icon of Wrath - Myphitic Mer-Man - 7 x Plague Marines (Elite)
Plaguesword, Power fist, 4 x Boltguns, 1 x Blight launcher, 1 x Flail of corruption, Blight & Krak grenades, Icon of Despair - Evil Lynnquisitor - 9 x Rubric Marines (Elite)
Force stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, 4 x Inferno boltgun, 4x Warpflamer, Icon of Flame - Clawful - Greater Possessed (Elite)
Daemonic mutations - 7 x Possessed (Elite)
7 x Horrifying Mutations - Spawnlash - Chaos Spawn (Fast)
(held in reinforcement points) - Trap-Jawsmith - 3 x Obliterators (Heavy)
Crushing fists, Fleshmetal guns, Mark of Slaanesh - Chaos Land Raider (Heavy)
2 x Twin lascannon, Twin heavy bolter, Combi-flamer, Havoc launcher - Greyskull - Bastion (Fortification)
4 x Heavy bolter, Icarus Lascannon
Points: 1750 | Level: 91 | Battle-forged - Vanguard - Fortification Network: 8 CPs
Game 1: Orks
My opponent was Rob the
BumblingWizard, an absolute gent who brought a mixed list of all the fun stuff in the greenskin codex: Battlewagon, Trukks, Burna-bomba, Warbikes, some Ork mobs to swarm the objectives, a terrifying Warboss on a trike and Mek with a Shokk Attack Gun (always a classic!)
Lots of ruins in this battlefield, so it looked like fields of fire and avenues for the vehicles would be limited (it was also pretty tricky to find a place to park Greyskull Bastion too - is this why no-one brings them?)
In our first opening salvoes, we targeted each other's heavy support: the Obliterators and Land Raider combined to take out the Battlewagon, while the Shokk Attack Mek had a fantastic round of shooting and took out the Land Raider.
Looks like everyone was going to be walking from now one.
Spilling out of the wreckage, Tzeletor decided to spread all over the battlefield: Clawful was despatched to remove that Shokk Attack Mek, Psi-Klops was sent to deal with an entire mob of Orks guarding their home objective. Meanwhile, Tzeletor grabbed the relic and the Possessed formed a screen around him.
On the other side of the field, Brazen Beast-Man led his Berzerkers against the recently-disembakred Nobs, where they efficiently wiped each other out.
Without a screen to protect him, the Warboss on a trike was now exposed and, much as I would have liked to see what he could do, my Obliterators only had eyes for him.
Evil Lynnquisitor and her Rubrics were keeping a low profile (a wise choice, given the firepower saturating the battlefield), but managed to take out the Burna-Bomber with warpflamers and psychic might.
Even for a Chaos Lord, I was impressed with Pri-Klops' initial foray against the Ork mob - taking out half of them and forcing a few more to flee. I just had to survive the power klaw counterattack long enough to clear up the rest of them.
With his eye on the prize, Rob swung around the remains of his army and directed it at the relic. In one round shooting, all the Possessed were wiped out and Tzeletor was left alone, looking quite vulnerable and shouting for his minions!
The situation wasn't helped when a mob of Orks ran into Tzeletor and left him flagging on a single wound - this battle wasn't looking good for warlords!
Unless you were Psi-Klops, who made a quick conversion to Khorne (thanks to a little-used stratagem) and fought twice in the next melee phase - wiping out all the Orks and claiming the back objective for himself!
The rescue mission for Tzeletor was underway, with the Rubric Marines running in front to form a screen, and the Greater Possessed Clawful sprinting back to deal with the remaining Orks - although he immediately ran head-first into a power klaw and got squished.
On the other side of the battlefield, Myphitic Mer-Man (who'd really been my MVP of the campaign) had sneaked through the ruins, then burst out to surprise the Ork Warbikes.
They managed to bring down two of the bikes, and then the third one fled when the Icon of Despair kicked in to drop his leadership (who'd have known it would work? I only gave everyone icons out of commitment to wysiwyg).
That pretty much took the heart out of the Ork Waaagh! and Tzeletor was free to limp home, the Tear of Magnus safely in his evil clutches.
This was a fantastic game to end with - absolutely craziness in every corner of the board. I recall Orks were riding high in the competitive stakes at the time, but this list was built and played for pure fun.
And a nice huzzah for Tzeletor's Evil Warriors - I have absolutely no regrets about taking the list. The fact that it only had around six stratagems it could use, and relatively few complimentary buffs, meant I was very comfortable playing it, and didn't need to expend any brainpower in remember all my rules. It made for a very enjoyable weekend of games.
And so ends another Weekend at Burnie's - always a classic.
A little bonus for me in the closing stages of the weekend - I won a prize!
I'm guessing this had something to do with the theme of my army, and the fact that I submitted their narrative in the style of a He-Man minicomic of the 1980s.
See you at number four!
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