Sunday 20 December 2015

Hark the Heretic Angels Sing

If you've been both naughty and nice during the year, does Santa bring you half a present?

No! Of course not, he brings you Crypt Angels. 

Painting all the stuff that comes in the Dark Vengeance box the same colours certainly adds to the monotony. Painting all the stuff that comes in the Dark Vengeance box the same colours and then discovering that there are six duplicate Chaos Space Marines is a step too far. 

Out came the clippers, off came some heads, guns and arms. 'Tis the Season to Dismember, after all. 

I can get on board with that Christmas Message.

Nothing particularly wild in terms of conversions, just simple swaps. The CSMs in the box set are snap together ones, which means amazing detail and active poses, but actually trickier than I expected to redo. The detail that festoons them like so much warp bunting is quite carefully matched to backpacks and guns, and sprue pieces don't fit into the spaces terribly well. 

Not that I let it stop me, of course! Gung ho, that's me. This batch marks the end of the Chaotic Marine Tactical Squads, which is a relief. I know I haven't done all their baroque armour twiddles all available justice in this black-and-primaries paint job. They are (after all) faceless troopers rather than stand-out heroes, so I won't feel too bad.