Tuesday 8 December 2020

Whatever Happened To The Heroes?

Some extra HQs for my heretics!

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Heroes converted into a Chaos Terminator Lord for The Purge and Dark Apostle for The Scourged

I never meant to add much to my Purge and Scourged warbands, since they were just nice little diversions. Mind you, they come in useful if I ever have to, say, run an eight-player narrative campaign from the comfort of my own home.

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Heroes converted into a Chaos Terminator Lord for The Purge

It was the heroics of the Averment Breach campaign that swayed me into adding a bit more personality to the warbands, and when I acquired the 'Space Marine Heroes' set on the cheap, I was off and away.

(As I recall, there were originally a couple of Heresy-era characters from the Betrayal at Calth set, but are now in general circulation)

The Lord pairs nicely with The Purge, as I now have two terminator characters packing combi-meltas. And I couldn't pass up the chance to depict the now-legendary Orb of Unlife, which came from the Death Guard Lord Felthius kit.

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Heroes converted into a Chaos Terminator Lord for The Purge

Nice and easy colours (The Purge are by far the quickest heretics to paint), and the only tricky part was blending the highlights on his cape.

  • Black Armour: Chaos Black base, Terminatus Stone drybrush, Nuln Oil wash 
  • Green Armour: Waaagh! Flesh base, Reikland Flesh wash, Elysian Green drybrush, Nurgling Green drybrush
  • Cingulum militare: Skragg Brown base, Agrax Earthshade wash, Jokaero Orange highlights
  • Skin: Rakath Flesh base, Drucci Violet (thinned) wash, Pallid Wych Flesh layer
  • Weapons, Ironbreaker base, Nuln Oil wash
  • Cloak' Chaos Black base, Skavenblight Dinge layer, Nuln Oil wash

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Heroes converted into a Dark Apostle for The Scourged

I was torn whether to make this guy a Chaos Lord or a Dark Apostle for the Scourged. As the original model was a Chaplain, an Apostle seems the logical choice, although that model is no longer allowed to have a plasma pistol.

I suspect I'll alternate his role until I land on something I like. The Dark Apostle's abilities to offer bonuses to hit and invulnerable auras would play to the strengths of a shooty army, but I'd like to have something in the team that can run forward and hit something.

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Heroes converted into a Dark Apostle for The Scourged

Some light conversion work to bring him to the dark side: a head swap for a Chaos Space Marine and switching his crozius arcanum for a fantasy Chaos Knight's mace.

The best part about this model was his cloak was covering the pauldrons - no freehand symbol required!

  • Gold trim: Retributor Gold base, Reikland Fleshshade wash, Golden Griffin drybrush
  • Red armour: Wazzdakka Red base, Carroburg Cromson wash, Wazzdakka Red layer
  • Blue Armour: Kantor Blue base, Nulk Oil wash, Kantor Blue layer, Altdorf Guard Blue highlights
  • Cloth: Khorne Red base, Nuln Oil wash, Mephiston Red highlights
  • Straps: Zandri Dust base, Snakebite Leather contrast
  • Pipes, straps & gun barrels: Ironbreaker base, Nuln Oil wash
  • Eye lenses: Ulthun Grey base, Hexwraith technical

Warhammer 40k Dark Disciple

And since I am planning to run him as a Dark Apostle in his first game, I thought I'd better add some flunkies.

These pair have been waiting their turn since I painted up the actual Dark Apostle last year. They're quite nice - characterful and not too fussy. 

Same basic colours as the rest of my heretics (so they can be shared around the legions, as needed), bt the robes were done with Naggaroth Night base, Nuln Oil wash, Xereus Purple layer, Genestealer Purple layer - which is now my go-to colour for doing purple.

Warhammer 40k Dark Disciple

This is the full crew (with his not-really-a-plasma-pistol). I suppose since the whole history of The Scourged started with a wayward prayer, a fallen apostle is a fitting addition.

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Heroes converted into a Dark Apostle for The Scourged

Now they're off to battle! One shall stand, one shall fall...


  1. Replies
    1. Nothing like the inducement of a game to get things moving up the painting queue.

    2. I hereby challenge you to a Drukharii vs Necrons match. You're hosting.

    3. You laugh, but I could put that show together...

    4. The same as every other week: like a heap of grey plastic with a side-dish of unrealistic estimates about my painting speed.

  2. One shall stand, one shall fall huh? Your boy is in Prime's colours, so he's clearly toast! Actually, a more accurate prophecy would be "One shall stand, one shall fall; or both shall fall; or both shall crawl away and die of their wounds"

    1. Yes, I can imagine fielding both armies and still neither of them manage to win.

  3. Forgot to add: very good work, they all look great!
