Tuesday 15 December 2020

Last Christmas I Blade You My Guard

But the very next day, they failed their ward save

Penultimate batch of Crypt Angels (until the next penultimate batch, of course). Bladeguard, Indomintus command characters and a shiny ride for them all. 

Nothing bad to say about these models, they're a corking lot. Great Christmas spirit shown by the leaders in particular. At this time of year, it's very important to keep the older members of the family involved in whatever you're doing. 

Here you go, Grandad, I got you a front-row seat.

I've got your Dad on line one.

The Impulsor is a bit of a funny one, though. The flatbed truck look is good, it somehow sells itself as a grav vehicle to my eye better than the Repulsor (probably because it's lighter-looking). For some reason I thought it could carry ten marines, and I had a whole routine ready about how they'd all have to sit on each others' knees, but turns out the joke's on me and it can only fit six. A squad and a character still isn't bad. 

All the weapon options are, as is standard for everyone these days, magnetised. Hurrah! I do love painting tiny radar dishes that hide in the back of your cupboard until after you've done all the other bits. Still, it totally makes sense and doesn't look like a hard kit to do this with. Why decide on a single (slightly weird and rather over-specialised) equipment build when you can have them all?

Just six more to go. Watch this space!


  1. Very nice! You must be disappointed to be coming to the end of the Crypt Angels. Tragically, as GW hate marines so much it's unlikely they'll ever release any more models. And even if they did, I doubt Kasfunatu would both buying any...

    1. There's a part of me that wishes that any of the nonsense you just wrote were true. It's a small, withered part, in fairness, but it's still there, like a Grinch's heart.

  2. I love the teeth work on the Impulsor. That's a real purdy mouth he's got there.

  3. I'm here just for the title :)
    Great work on the new models!
