Monday 18 April 2022


What's better than painting Crypt Angels? 

How about painting Crypt Angels when the teeth and gums are already modelled on?

Two cracking models here - a Forgefiend and a Lord Discordant. The former has been on my wishlist to paint for a while, and I wasn't disappointed. Even if it's showing its age a little (looking at the details on the cables and such, which are really the same as Lord Disco's but on a larger, slightly less fine-detaily scale), it's still a ferocious piece. Much bigger than I thought, too, I thought they were more or less dreadnought size. 

He does very slightly look like he's saying "Cheese, Grommit!"

Leaving it on the flat base felt like a bit of a wimpy option, so I went full metal album cover instead. Not strictly in keeping with the rest of the army, but suitably hellish. It's a big chunk of packing polystyrene hacked about and coated with PVA and a bit of sand, then glue gun lava trails draped down the outside. The colours had too much yellow to start with, but a lick of Carroberg Crimson over the top toned it down a bit whilst keeping it hot. 

Perched on top with his pink flesh, he definitely looks like he's sprung out of a corridor in Doom, probably just behind you when you opened that door. He isn't glued on yet, as that would make him harder to pack, but it should be a simple bit of superglue to keep him in place. 

The Disco Lord was next up, and it's not my first time to this rodeo rider. I remember all too well what a massive pain he was to stick together, so I'm glad I got to skip that. Harder to paint once he's fully assembled, mind you, and I feel like I skimped a little on the detailed underside, but only because I couldn't reach it (and you can't see it anyway). I have also developed a genuine dislike of painting the torn cables - I never get the exposed pipes underneath neat enough, there's dozens of them and just bah, annoying.

He's featured in recent lists of Kas's - the Lord makes a great Brass Scorpion buffer as he can keep up with it, enhance it and fight alongside it all in one, whereas a Forgefiend might make quite a good cheap ringer for the big bug if points don't allow. Hopefully you'll see them in action once they've all been posted home.

The commission work is almost done, so I'll be racing on to my home armies next!


  1. That maulerfiend is a beast. Great base too.

  2. I love both models (which is good as I have a Maulerfiend to assemble and am on the very point of ordering a Disco Lord), and you've done a typically great job of both, but that lava rock is top drawer, it really sets it off brilliantly

  3. Excellent job on the big beasts, and I note that I am the first commenter to realise that it is a *Forgefiend*.

    1. It could be either Forge or Mauler, I think, the armament is helpfully non-specific.
