Tuesday 26 April 2022

Tanks For The Painting!

 For Month 3 of the Hobbypocalypse, I didn't paint any Sisters of Battle...

40k Sisters of Battle, Sororitas Rhino

I got Monkey to paint them for me!

This merry time of misrule was the theme of Month 3, where all the Horsemen of the Hobbypocalypse switched armies for a month.

Since I much prefer to paint infantry than vehicles, I thought it was an excellent opportunity to sack off all the Sororitas tanks onto Monkey.

40k Sisters of Battle, Sororitas Rhino

And what a grand job he did! The purple was an excellent choice, since that's the 'off-colour' for my army, and having them as their main green colour would have made them look indistinct and too normal-military.

40k Sisters of Battle, Sororitas Rhino

And then there's all the details and filigree that come standard with Sisters' armour (I had a lot of fun assembling these, safe in the knowledge that I wouldn't have to paint them).

40k Sisters of Battle, Sororitas Rhino

I also magnetised the little hunter-killer missile, so I have the option of using it (and I can also remove it, to show it has been fired).

40k Sisters of Battle, Immolator

Speaking of fire, here comes the really dangerous transport - the Immolator!

40k Sisters of Battle, Immolator

Twice as difficult to paint (I expect!) than the Rhino, not least because of that magnificent stained glass window in front (not sure about its efficacy as a bullet-shield, mind you).

The hunter-killer missile (right at the back - there wasn't much real estate on the hull!) was magnetised, but the main guns can just push in, so you have an easy choice of heavy flamers, heavy bolters or (gasp!) multi-meltas.

40k Sisters of Battle, Immolator

The painting recipe (courtesy of Monkey) was:
  • Main hull: Genestealer Purple and Militarum Green
  • Gold: Retributor Gold, Reikland Fleshade wash
  • Silver: Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil wash
  • Bone: White basecoat, Skeleton Horde contrast
  • Brazier fire: White basecoat, Gryph-Hound Orange, Blood Angels Red and Iyanden Yellow contrast.
  • Stained glass: contrast paints, gloss varnish

40k Sisters of Battle, Immolator

So that's the Month 3 tally, and my armoured transports, all done! I may have shot myself in the foot here, since they're so good, I may have trouble adding more to them

40k Sisters of Battle, Immolator

But I wasn't idling - find out tomorrow what I was painting instead of these!


  1. They do look fantastic! Great work Monkey!

  2. They look quite nice in the pictures. Must be all that soft focus :P
