Tuesday 12 April 2022

Bro, You Look Crypt

 Inching ever closer to the full legion, it's time for some more Crypt Angels.

Mixed unit this. Possibly just a selection of weapons to be added into other units for verisimilitude, even, or an eBay haul? I can't tell and I don't mind. Painting marines is a zen place to be, which I appreciate at the moment. 

So there's a pair of meltas, a pair of heavies (autocannon and heavy bolter) and then two unit champions. The Khornate one is a great conversion, I'm a big fan of anyone who uses the AoS Khorne Boys and sticks chainweapons on them. If his heavy boots are a bit of a giveaway that he's not from the 41st Millenium, I don't think it matters much. Your eyes are very much on the helmet and the weapons. 

On top of these guys, though, is a model I really wanted to tick off my list again. Very nice to be painting the updated Fabius Bile, and a really great piece to have a crack at. Slightly terrifying, all those spidery arms, I must admit - I very nearly dropped him just as I was bringing him in from varnishing, and if he lands upside down the chirurgeon has had it, basically. But seeing as it looks great, I wouldn't take issue!

The doctor will wear you now

His creepy sidekick, the jamjar hunchback, is another looker, even in pink. 

A couple more for the chapter coming up - bigger models, shall we say...


  1. That Khorne conversion really does work very well indeed! Lovely (horrible) work on Bile too

  2. Fantastic work on Bile! 👏
