Friday 29 April 2022

Give it a Whirlwind

Tony Cottrell's original Whirlwind conversion

Way back in White Dwarf 117, Tony Cottrell launched a fantastic series of articles (which included the original Spartan, now being relaunched by GW, and a 40k-scale Baneblade). However the first (and best, to my mind) was the original Whirlwind above.

The conversion included a number of pieces scratch-built from plasticard, as well as several pieces from the original Rhino. 

Creating the former was straightforward, but the latter would be a little trickier (I thought). I did find all the necessary bits on eBay (at a considerable mark-up), but then Rapid mentioned that he had the most critical bits I needed and he kindly gave them to me when we met at Weekend at Burnies and I improvised the rest from my bits box. So I definitely want to record a big thank you to Rapid!

The whole thing was remarkably straightforward and great fun, and now I've got a Whirlwind option for my two Rhino chassis bases so I can make a Predator and a Whirlwind, a couple of Razorbacks, a couple of Rhinos, or a mix of those.


  1. If your next post isn't a scratch-built baneblade, I'm quitting this hobby.
