Pootle here! My Ork Warlord, Bludteef, has once more been reassembled from the component parts strewn across the last battlefield he fought on and this time is leading an army drawn from the new codex; maybe that will inspire him to survive a game for the very first time...
Facing the Orks is a host of daemons led by Kasfunatu and, for the first time in nearly a year, we're playing face to face! Kas has painted up a fabulous Be'lakor model who will spearhead a host of Tzeentch and Slaanesh daemons.
Orks - Evil Sunz
I was all set to play one last game with the old codex, but I managed to get sight of the new Ork one a few days before the game and so am keen to give it a try. I don't have any Beastsnaggas (who would have been extremely useful with their various bonuses against monsters) but plenty of other options. My high-level view of the codex (playing against Daemons) is that Boyz have broadly got worse (more expensive but the extra Toughness and AP on Choppas isn't much use against Daemons, plus I've lost two key stratagems in Unstoppable Green Tide to recycle a nearly-dead mob and Get Stuck In Ladz to fight twice), but vehicles and characters have got better, pretty much without exception. Evil Sunz have lost one of their key advantages of +1 to charge rolls (retaining +1 move and advance though), which means Da Jump followed by a charge is a lot less certain (Orks have a natural charge reroll as before, but it's reroll both dice rather than one-or-both as before).
My list was almost identical to the one I initially built under the old codex, except I've lost about 6 Boyz here. It's centred around using all the vehicles I have (apart from the Deff Dread, which I've used a few times now), plus a few Mek Gunz and topped up with as many Boyz (and a couple of mobs of Gretchin to screen my guns) as possible. There's also a unit of Meganobz with Killsaws who should be a nasty surprise for any big daemons that get within range; they will start inside the Trukk to keep them safe so unless Kas can smite open the Trukk, I should be able to get a charge off with them.
One of the most interesting things from the new codex is Bludteef's new warlord trait, which means that any attacks that don't get to the "resolve damage" step in combat generate the same number of new attacks immediately. Coupled with Da Killa Klaw relic (not quite as good as it used to be with no rerolls, but still boosting damage from 2 to 3), this makes him even more powerful if he can charge a target. But despite a new natural 5++, he's still a major glass hammer, so I will bury him inside a big unit of Boyz if I can.
The Weirdboy takes Scorched Gitbonez which gives a 4+++ for mortal wounds suffered from Perils of the Warp (this was because I'm very scared of the Daemonic strat to make Perils be 2D3 mortal wounds). I've not take Da Jump this time, partly because charges are harder as noted above, but also because I want to be able to boost Bludteef with Fists of Gork (+2 Strength and Attacks) as well as give a large mob of Boyz +1 Attack with Warpath.
The only other thing to highlight is the Deffkilla Wartrike, who is a lot more effective than he used to be, being a Junkboss (boosting his natural 5++ to a 4++) with Rezmekka's Redder Armour, which means he can nominate someone in engagement range to fight last: this will counter the Slaaneshi always-fight-first trait meaning a Slaanesh unit charging him will fight normally, i.e. after he as the defender fights. I've also made him a Madboy which generates a random trait each battle round, either 6" pile-in, reroll one hit and wound roll in shooting and fighting, or +1 Strength.
Last point: I had five old models proxying as Kommandos, but Kas delivered an early birthday present from Kraken of the Ork band he won from Artel W with his (disturbingly good) Orky version of Sweet Child of Mine, so they're now the headliners for that slot from now on.
Orks - Evil Sunz - Battalion
- Warboss (HQ) (Warlord)
Kombi Rokkit, Power Klaw
Warlord: Brutal but Kunnin
Relic: Da Killa Klaw - Weirdboy (HQ)
Powers: Fists of Gork, Warpath
Extra Relic: Scorched Gitbonez - 25 x Boyz (Troops)
Boss Nob with Choppa & Big Choppa, 19x Slugga & Choppa, 5 x Shoota - 24 x Boyz (Troops)
Boss Nob with Choppa & Big Choppa, 19x Slugga & Choppa, 4 x Shoota - 10 x Boyz (Troops)
Boss Nob with two Choppas, 9 x Slugga & Choppa - 10 x Boyz (Troops)
Boss Nob with two Choppas, 9 x Shoota - 10 x Gretchin (Troops)
Specialist Mob: 'Orrible Gitz - 5 x Kommandos (Elites)
- Boss Nob with Choppa
- 5 x Meganobz (Elites)
Each with two Killsaws - Painboy (Elites)
Grot Orderly - 3 x Warbikers (Fast)
All with 2 x Dakkagun and Choppa - 3 x Warbikers (Fast)
All with 2 x Dakkagun and Choppa - 2 x Warbuggy (Fast)
Twin Big Shoota - Mek Gunz (Heavy)
Kustom Mega Kannon - Mek Gunz (Heavy)
Kustom Mega Kannon - Mek Gunz (Heavy)
Kustom Mega Kannon - Trukk (Dedicated Transport)
Orks - Evil Sunz - Patrol
- Deffkilla Wartrike (HQ)
Killa Jet, Snagga Klaw, 3x Twin Boomstick
Specialist Mob: Madboyz
Extra Warlord Trait: Junkboss
Extra Relic: Rezmekka's Redder Armour - 10 x Gretchin (Troops)
- Megatrakk Scrapjet (Fast)
- Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy (Fast)
Nitro Squigs
Points: 1997 | Battle-forged - Patrol - Extra Warlord Trait - 2 Extra Relics - Reserves: 6 CPs
Daemons - Slaanesh and Tzeentch
After playing Daemons several times in 2020 I had decided to hang them up for a while, but then I managed to find the lovely Be'lakor model (which even broke my painting rut, and was not sent to Kraken studios) and so it had to be used.
I am unsure on the Disciples rules, how best to use, and also if there is a combined force, or if two detachments needed to cross breed mortals and demons (I believe so, but am waiting for confirmation). With that, a true daemon list was the way to go... this also meant I was allowed a Greater Daemon too. I have enjoyed the survivability of the Lord of Change (last played prior to the points change), and despite Khorne's choppiness and Nurgle's toughness, gravitate to the Keeper as my other choice (plus I like the Leofa-converted custom model). By putting Belakor in with Slaanesh he also would benefit from the advance and charge: tasty. When taking a greater demon it's always worth exalting them, and for Slaanesh so many powers are good I risked the "roll two" instead of "pick one".
Given Orks' desire for combat, maybe the Epitome and Fiends' to lock enemies in combat was a foolish move, but if I could tie up some of the inevitable big guns, then it might be just worth it.
When putting the list together, I believed I had 50 Daemonettes, but apparently only have 40 and some unit fillers - this therefore predetermined that ten were going to be in deep strike and could only come in when some of their kin had been killed (pretty sure that that would have happened by turn 2/3!)
Backing up the Slaaneshi brood is a Tzeentch patrol sans LoC. I like screamers, and flamers; so dropped in two Fluxmasters to bolster them, and then some cheap troops for objective camping and cheeky mini-Smites.
Backing up the Slaaneshi brood is a Tzeentch patrol sans LoC. I like screamers, and flamers; so dropped in two Fluxmasters to bolster them, and then some cheap troops for objective camping and cheeky mini-Smites.
Slaanesh Daemons - Battalion
- Keeper of Secrets (HQ) (Warlord)
Sinistrous Hand, Exalted KoS: Realm Racer, Battle Rapture
Warlord Trait: Bewitching Aura
Powers: Hysterical Frenzy, Pavane of Slaanesh - Be'Lakor (HQ)
Powers: Betraying Shades, Pall of Despair - Contorted Epitome (HQ)
Relic: The Slothful Claws
Powers: Delightful Agonies, Symphony of Pain - 30 x Daemonettes (Troops)
- Daemonic Icon w/Rapturous Standard, Instrument of Chaos
- 10 x Daemonettes (Troops)
- 10 x Daemonettes (Troops)
- Fiend (Elite)
- Fiend (Elite)
Tzeentch Daemons - Patrol
- Fluxmaster (HQ)
Staff of Change, Powers - Gaze of Fate, Treason of Tzeentch - Fluxmaster (HQ)
Powers - Gaze of Fate, Flickering Flames - 10 x Horrors (Troops)
- 8 Brimstone Horrors, 2 Pink Horrors
- 10 x Horrors (Troops)
9 Brimstone Horrors, 1 Pink Horror - 7 x Flamers (Elite)
- 5 x Screamers (Fast)
- 5 x Screamers (Fast)
Mission and objectives
We randomly generated the Battle Lines mission which has four objectives and deployment zones like the old Hammer & Anvil (left to right on the pic below).
I chose Engage on All Fronts and Retrieve Octarius Data as I reckon my mobility and large number of troops should give me plenty of points there, and the mission-specific Vital Ground objective, which gives 2 VPs for controlling the objectives in no-mans-land in my command phase (and 3 for controlling the one in Kas's deployment zone, but that's unlikely). This one may be a win-more type objective but it's always fun to take the mission-specific one and the best alternative of Assassinate might be tricky with those big Daemons.
There were a good few characters I was going to be gunning for, and with the number of Ork models No Prisoners seemed a good choice; finally I took Engage on All Fronts given the speed of my force.
My first thought: there are a lot of Orks! Not knowing who will go first, I am dropping into as defensible positions as I can muster.

One unit of Flamers with back-up Horrors, and a second set of Horrors claiming cover (and the objective) are cowering behind a rock;
Daemonettes and Fiends lurk behind the refinery.
My deployment is fairly simple. The Trukk with Meganobz is front and centre as it should (ha!) be hard for Kas to break it open and kill the contents in the same turn.
Strung out on either side I've got a thin green line of my most expendable units (the two smaller Boyz mobs, Warbikers and Warbuggies) designed to take (read "crumble in front of") the brunt of the daemons' first charge and allow the second rank (the bigger Boyz mobs, Scrapjet, Wartrike and, of course, Bludteef himself) to counter-charge.
The three Mek Gunz are spread out, one on each flank and one in the middle, the latter screened by one of the Grot mobs. The other Grot mob (the 'Orrible Gitz, who gain ObSec but give -1 to hit to anyone nearby) are in Reserve along with the Kommando Rock Band.
I'm not particularly keen to win first turn as although I could start shooting, I think I'd rather jump on whatever Kas sends forward in turn one. Therefore I'm absolutely fine when Kas wins the roll off and has to decide what to do!
Turn 1 - Daemons
And deciding is key! So key in fact that Pootle and I spend about 20 minutes sharing in a debate. After weighing up the options, my best plan seems to be to retreat. This COULD become a very boring game if the status quo remains the same, as my best course of action may stay the same, but I am hoping that that is not to be.
Even with advance-and-charge most of my charges would be ~10" (maybe +/-1"); but retreating only 3 inches (albeit meaning I effectively miss a turn) would mean charges could be reduced to manageable 7s assuming that the Orks head forwards towards objectives. So this is my plan: retreat a bit from big guns and ensure I'm out of range, and hide as much as possible behind ruins or in long range for everything else.
The Keeper, and probably Screamers, would have been able to get into combat on turn 1, but then the whole of my army would jump on her, which didn't seem a sensible exchange for Kas. Much better to wait a turn and hit my whole line with far more Daemonic units and force me to choose who to counter-charge.
Primary: 0
Secondary: 0
Turn 1 - Orks
After a little bit of thinking, I decide that my best bet is to move my entire line forwards, maintaining the screen and getting ready to jump on whatever hits them next turn. I'm holding both midfield objectives with two units (Boyz and Bikes) so I'm hoping some will survive to score me some Primaries and Vital Ground objectives next turn.
My only other action this turn is to test Orky shooting with the Mek Gunz, Squigbuggy and various Dakka guns on the Bikers and Buggies. I wasn't expecting much, but with the number of dice I rolled I had hoped to take out more than one Screamer (in the woods on Kas's left) and three Daemonettes (I think I may have killed a few more Daemonettes but then Kas rolled a one for his Daemonic Icon and recovered a couple back again).
Over to you Kas! Fancy holding back another turn and letting me sit on all the objectives...?
Primary: 0
Secondary: 2 (Engage on All Fronts)
Turn 2 - Daemons
One unit of Screamers, and his buddy on a disc head toward Warbuggies; and big unit of Daemonettes head towards the Boys and Warbikes, allowing for charging options.

On the southern flank the second batch of Screamers and Keeper head towards more Boyz and Bikes.
I realise I am mainly dealing with chaff, and was concerned over the Meganobz, the big guns, Wartrike and cars but it was feeling good smashing greenskins.
I spent some time removing all those models! That is one of the joys of playing against Orks - there's no shortage of casualties on their side.
It was going so well until the Keeper stepped up. Prior to that I had cleared three screening forces in the north: Bikes, Buggies and Boyz; in the centre the Trukk had been cleaved in short order, and the Screamers whittled another unit of Bikes down to only one left.
I was staggered at that result too!
7-2 to the Daemons
Turn 2 - Orks
Ouch! Of my entire front line I'm left with three Boyz and one Bike. However, it's achieved what it was meant to do as Kas wasn't able to engage any of my nastier units. Now it's time to cause some mayhem and see if I can take out one of the two big daemons (I'm not expecting to take both down). Accordingly, it's time to declare the Waaagh! This gives all Ork core and character units advance-and-charge and also +1 attack this turn (the latter will last into next turn too).
On my right, the Deffkilla Wartrike and one of the big Boyz mobs move towards the objective and the Daemonettes.
On my left, the three surviving Boyz fall back from the Keeper of Secrets - if they do nothing else this game they will have done me proud for surviving a Greater Daemon and holding a second objective as they're ObSec and scoring Vital Ground (seven VPs right there). But a small unit like this could be handy for performing the action to Retrieve Octarius Data later on. Speaking of that, I'm not going to forget about that this turn: the Kommandos appear in front of the Mek Gun on my right to hopefully screen it from easy charges and pounding out some tunes to encourage everyone else.
In my psychic phase I cast Warpath on the Boyz on my left who are going up against the Keeper of Secrets (to counteract the loss of an attack each they'll suffer from its Warlord Trait) and Fist of Gork on one of the Meganobz (I'm not expecting Bludteef to get into combat this turn). I no longer get the bonus to casting from having lots of Boyz around me, but I still get both off successfully.
In the shooting phase the Mek Guns on the left and centre open up on the big Daemons but don't cause any damage; the Scrapjet does take three wounds off the Keeper of Secrets though...just thirteen to go! The Squigbuggy and the righthand Mek Gun target the Flamers and manages to kill all but one of them (the last one later fails morale, removing a unit I was worried about).
The Keeper swings next and expertly carves up the Scrapjet, then the Boyz on my right tear into the Daemonettes, but the dice don't go my way here and 12 Daemonettes remain standing even after the Wartrike has had his go too.
Things aren't looking good at this point - there are a lot of daemons alive on my right and centre. Can the Boyz on the left pull out something special against the Keeper of Secrets?
Yes they can: despite needing 5s to wound I roll very well and manage to get just enough wounds through saves to cause the Greater Daemon to fall to the floor! That was extremely close and tips things my way on balance, though Kas can still cause a lot of damage. As always, the next turn will be crucial.
Primary: 10
Secondary: 2 (Engage on All Fronts), 2 (Vital Ground)
16-7 to the Orks
Turn 3 - Daemons
That was unexpected, and could be costly. In the north my Daemonettes and Epitome are going to challenge both Boyz and Trike; and the they are aided by the group of Screamers who swing round behind. I would target the annoying guns, but they've just been screened by Kommandos playing rokk music and so decide to focus my attention on the Boyz.
Be'lakor is going to have to do what the Keeper failed at and so jumps from the centre back towards the large group of Boyz, and summons a Fiend and small unit of Daemonettes to help.
In the back field behind one of the guns, ten new Daemonettes appear, but fail their charge. They are however engaging in that quarter.
Given that if I hadn't been able to deny the power you would only have had to beat Bludteef's leadership (of only 8!) on 3D6, that could be a really crucial result.
Primary: 10
Secondary: 3 (Engage on All Fronts)
20-16 to the Daemons
Turn 3 - Orks
I start the turn on only one objective so it's going to be hard to get back in front on VPs. But there's the prospect of causing a lot more damage that will stop Kas being able to damage me in future turns.
Top of the list is Be'Lakor, and this is the time for Bludteef to show what he's made of. Everyone left on my left heads towards the big fella with malicious intent.
At the end of the movement phase my other unit of Gretchin appear in Kas's back right and start Retrieving Octarius Data (as well as scoring points for Engaging on All Fronts). They won't last long, but I might well get another Engage next turn out of them.
In the shooting phase my main target is the surviving unit of Screamers. All three Mek Guns can see them and alongside the Squigbuggy (and pistol fire from the Kommandos and Gretchin) they reduce the unit to something that the Kommandos can then finish off in combat later in the turn.
The big combat though is Bludteef charging in on Be'Lakor. I'm afraid to report that it wasn't even close. The new warlord trait means that despite some good invuln saves, it's nowhere near enough to save Be'Lakor and suddenly I'm quietly hopeful that my warlord might even survive the game.
I'm trailing on VPs (particularly considering that Kas will pick up the big 15 for primaries next turn and I'll still be struggling on 5), but in terms of material on the field I'm definitely ahead so it'll be a race to see if I can recover enough VPs in the endgame.
Primary: 5
Secondary: 2 (Engage on All Fronts)
23-20 to the Orks
Turn 4 - Daemons
That's a vicious Warboss. Has to be a contender to kill almost anything it gets into melee with (especially as being killed won't stop him!)
He's not the nastiest combat character in the new codex by some distance (though his warlord trait is special).
It is turn four, I do have troops remaining and do have primaries currently, so need to be smart and hold as much as possible.
The Horrors are melee units, but do have a couple of models capable of spewing fire, and with support from the Fluxmaster's locus they are going to try and smite/flame the Gretchin.
The Epitome goes to quieten the band - effectively.
And the fresh Daemonettes crash into the Mek Gun, but the Grots hide under the machinery and don't die.
Primary: 15
Secondary: 3 (Engage on All Fronts)
38-23 to the Daemons
Turn 4 - Orks
It's going to be another poor turn for VPs this turn, with only 5 for primaries, so I need to keep causing damage and set up for a big final turn. I declare that the remaining three Boyz who survived the Keeper of Secrets will Retrieve Octarius Data but later that turn forget that I've done that and charge them into the Daemonettes on the objective, so that action will fail (though I don't realise that at the time - I wonder if that'll be important).
Meanwhile, the surviving Warbike and Squigbuggy take down the Screamer and Daemonettes on the left-hand objective in the midfield.
It's going to be extremely tight going into the last turn...
Primary: 5
Secondary: 2 (Engage on All Fronts)
38-30 to the Daemons
Turn 5 - Daemons
It's also going to be a quick final turn... I don't have many models!
The Epitome is going to tackle and hopefully finish off the Wartrike; and the Horrors are heading to finish off the Gretchin still boosted by the Fluxmaster.
The Epitome is proving resilient though and does take out the big trike that has plagued the Slaaneshi forces for several rounds.
Primary: 5
Secondary: 3 (Assassinate)
46-30 to the Daemons
Turn 5 - Orks
This ends up as a very short turn. The only thing I can do to gain VPs is kill that blasted Contorted Epitome to mean that my holding two objectives at the end of the turn will be more than Kas's one. The Squigbuggy races across the field (in case a long bomb charge is needed) but manages to finally drop the blasted mirror daemon to unlock maximum primary points for the first time in the game. Is it enough?
Primary: 15
Secondary: 3 (Engage on All Fronts), 2 (Vital Ground)
50-46 to the Orks
But on top of this, the Daemons scored 11 points for killing 116 wounds of non-vehicle/non-characters for No Prisoners; with the painting bonus their final score was 67 VPs.
The Orks scored 4 points for Retrieving Octarius Data in two quadrants (we thought after the game that I'd managed to retrieve data in three quarters but I realised during this write up that I had managed to spoil the action in my turn 4 without realising it - as I write these words Kas still thinks he lost! With painting, their final score was 64, just failing to catch up with the Daemons.
Result: 67-64 to the Daemons
Locker room
Wow, that was a proper belter! We ended the evening thinking that the Daemons had squeaked it by three points, then had a recalc in the morning that gave victory to the Orks by one point and now it's back to the Daemons again! Anyway, whatever the actual result it was a great game. Frankly, because Bludteef finished the game alive (for the first time ever) that feels like a win to me!
Absolutely no doubt that was a cracker of a game! Not only close on points (no matter which point in time we were calculating it) but also great debate and discussion whilst playing.
As always, there were lots of "what-if" moments that could have changed the game. On my side the most obvious is failing to take the action to retrieve Octarius data in either turn 1 (I just forgot), turn 4 (spoiling the action by charging the Daemonettes) or turn 5 (by that point both the Orks and the Gretchin couldn't have got more than 6" into the final table quarter to retrieve data anyway).
I missed my own Engage opportunity in the final turn; and going into the final turn we knew everything was on a knife edge, so that was a silly move given the discussion.
For the Daemons, I'd put the failed attempt to take over Bludteef as top of the "what might have been" list as he could have taken out my Squigbuggy (which was very useful in the endgame) or the Weirdboy and Painboy (for 6 Assassinate VPs). But also important in retrospect was killing the Keeper of Secrets, which was extremely close; if it had stayed alive I think it would have tipped the balance the other way in turn 3. Finally, killing just four more wounds would have given Kas another VP for No Prisoners - either of the three remaining Boyz or the last Warbike would have done that.
Yes, I should have used the strat; there was still a chance of denial, but would have guaranteed the initial cast. The Keeper was one of those things with dice: over the odds in wounds, under the odds in saves and just enough to fall. They did not justify their points in this game apart from looking good and being a threat.
The new Ork codex is a very good on balance. I think that removing Unstoppable Green Tide is a good thing as that could be extremely swingy (though not always game changing), and losing the +1 charge for Evil Sunz removes the temptation to rely on Da Jump a bit too much. The buffs to characters are very strong (perhaps too strong? I've seen a review that a Squigriding warboss can easily one-shot a Knight, which seems somewhat OTT), but that seems in line with a few other codices.
I don't like to think what might have happened if I'd played as Goffs and/or had some Beast Snaggas to make use of the new rules there - I think that would have resulted in a clearer victory for the Orks. On the whole though I'm very happy sticking with Evil Sunz; it's nice to have a new codex but not feel too overpowered with the units I have.
I don't know what that would mean, but happy to try them - although ideally once (and if) Daemons finally get an updated codex in 2022.
Nah, my Orks were always and will always be Evil Sunz! Really good to have a close game for my first in-person game in a while: thank you so much Kas!
Great fun. Bring on the next one!
Great fun. Bring on the next one!
Corking stuff! Interesting seeing two glass cannon armies crashing into each other. The Ork numbers really told here!
ReplyDeleteYes, my ability to entirely screen my nastier units with a line of smaller units was probably the single most important thing that tipped things in my direction in terms of kills, but Kas managed to get the VPs (in the end!)
DeleteGood fight! That's rough on the secondaries, but you can't expect Orks to do what they're told!
ReplyDeleteThey did do what they were told: "kill the gribblies" was what Bludteef asked, and that's what they did!