Friday 7 July 2023

EXT: Gazebo of the Cryomancer

 The Terrain Train rumbles onward.

We're into the third box of terrain here, the Land of the Giants. Fallen statues, shattered arches and various other crumbly stone stuff. It's my favourite so far, for a few reasons:

  • Big and chunky pieces on the whole, nothing too fiddly
  • Easy to paint because it's all drybrushed stone
  • Looks great and fits in nicely with my existing stuff, no need to make new scenery to round it out

This is adding to my snowy ruins table, hence the snow. The mix went a bit wrong for some reason, first time out. Bicarb plus PVA is a reliable go-to, and I usually add white paint pigment to stop it going yellow later. This time, it turned into a bubbling goo that looked like lumpy cottage cheese rather than the smooth toothpaste I usually get. Never seen it do that before, plus it worked out fine the second time. Weird, but there you go. 

Shattered Atlas here I feel a bit bad for. His face got rather too much snow goop on, and I've lost most of the lovely detail on his globe of the heavens. And someone has nicked his legs, but that at least isn't my fault.

Great place for any showboating wizard

There are four of these arches, making up a half-circle

Finally, the big gazebo itself. Don't bother attacking, it's immune to most conventional weapons.

There are a couple more bits of ruined stone to finish off, which are destined for my steaming jungles - they got the same drybrush workup, but needed more greens and browns adding in. And there's one snowy piece who has some final details to firm up, so it's on its way, but otherwise I'm pleased to see I've nearly done the major slog on this Kickstarter. Gorgeous standalone models from here on out, pretty much, with some real corkers to look forward to!

Here's the whole lot - about a square foot's worth, I'd say, and they're nice tall pieces (about 5")


  1. These are really nice, though, apropos of almost nothing, I can't help but wonder what the cream-cheese versions would have looked like

  2. Great additions to the ruined snow city. And Shattered Atlas reminds me that I haven't seen Bugsy Malone for years.

  3. Looks great! Gives a real forlorn sense, like something's been lost and can't be recovered.

    1. That would be the hours of my life I spent painting it.
