Hugely necessary additions to my collection, these.
Yeah, it's another box of Delaque gangers, this time with the extra weapon add-ons. Perhaps now my soul can rest, because it can't see any of the other six houses crying out in pain as their extra stuff goes unpainted on the shop shelf.
Head from the Nacht-Gul set - looks a bit Wilfred from the Bash Street Kids, but anything rather than duplicates |
Lots of nice special weapons in here. One of the meanest things GW ever did was release the new plastic Delaque box with rules that let you equip your gangers with sniper rifles, but only give you a build option for the rifle in a back holster. Or allow you access to some of the cheapest lasguns in the books, but not have those available to you on the sprue, then put them out as Forge World only upgrades.
Graviton Gun |
The long-awaited sniper rifle |
The plastic weapons are lovely, and go some way towards repairing all that emotional damage I suffered, plus I got to paint another set of ten gangers. Lovely models still, and the wounds have scabbed over nicely. Guess I'll peel them open again when whatever the Delaque get as a vehicle arrives.
Heavy Flamer! The single worst weapon in Necromunda by price. Can't move and shoot, short range, costs more than a heavy bolter. I may well claim this is a multi-melta instead. |
Plasma gun - lovely sculpt. |
I think my favourite upgrade part is the scopes. For a gang of lurking whisper merchants for whom subtlety is second nature, they seem a little
outre. If your telescopic sight is larger than your face, I don't know what that says about you. That you're awesome, perhaps.
Seriously, just buy some reading glasses. |
Webpistol/autopistol gunslinger |
Webber! |
Surely, with all these shady bald men at my disposal, I ought to get a game in at some point?
Very nice models, though I can't help but fondly recall the 25-yr-old lead Necromunda group headed by Joker at al (I can't remember the other names now, not 100% sure that Al was one of them)
ReplyDeleteYeah - much as I like these Matrix freaks, the older flasher macs has a special place in my heart. The Black Nights were Joker's gang, they were all named for their baldness (Coot, Slaphead, Kojak, etc).