Friday 20 August 2021

Blob's a Good 'Un

Deep Madness continues.

A pack of ten Parasites this time, a cute little critter that hangs out in your lower intestine. There should be twelve, but one got turned into part of a Ripper swarm and the other I think now belongs to my daughters.

Very quick and easy on the paint, this is just white undercoat with various Contrasts and shades slopped on, then the mouth and teeth picked out. Gloss to finish, of course. 

Heroes for the week, more pop culture references in here!

Probably knows the Riddle of Steel, this one. 

And this guy is definitely not John Constantine. 

Finally another straightforward HP monster, this time one of the Elder Things from Mountains of Madness. Great model - there are three, but again my kids have monsternapped the other ones (and painted them, actually, but I'll spare you the true horror of those colours from outer space). I wish this was a bit bigger, so it could really tower over foot soldiers. It's about the size of a Primaris as it is, minus the wings, but the pose is brilliant. 


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