Wednesday 29 January 2020

Dem Dry Bow-nz

Archers - ready!

The Deadeye Walkers are a skeleton archer unit in Zombicide Black Plague. They're no faster or more dangerous than the other zombies, it's just that they can shoot you from a distance. Knowing the game, I'd say that distance is likely to be plugged with plenty of other zombies, making it all the harder to reach them before they start feathering you. Nasty!

But lovely sculpts, so that's okay. Bless them, they're like a little Skeletor Cosplay Archery Team.

This puts me past the hundred mark, and it also means I've done all the mobs for the original game. To mark this, I thought I'd also knock a few extra models out so that Leofa's copy is now capable of being played fully painted! Plenty of add-ons still to come, of course, and I haven't done the core box heroes, but for now, here's what was missing. First, an Abomination!

This is the smallest one of the lot, the original. I love his pose, there's something a little Marilyn Monroe about that skirt.

These tanky boss monsters can only be killed by very specific weapons, usually only fire and dragon bile combined to make a napalm bomb. That means a lot of searching before taking these guys on, and obviously that's a huge problem if one turns up before you're ready to deal with it. One of the parts of the game I love best is having to kite an Abomination around, making it follow your noise to keep it from engaging until your pals are ready to beat it. Great stuff!

Necromancers are a deadly pain. Not so much because of the extra zombies they bring. No, these chickenshits try to sneak away from your heroes and escape the board. If enough of them do, you lose the game, usually also under a huge pile of extra dead. There's a few variant ones in the game, each with their own extra abilities or protectors.

The first one of these is a standard Necromancer, the original. This second one is Tu-Me Ku-Pa, sadly lacking a fez in my opinion. Good look, though, you can't beat 'weird dragon on a stick' as a basic evil wizard accessory.

Finally, a last hero to add to the collection - this is Lady Faye, a plain and effective knightly type.

I'll be moving on to the Undead Ork Horde next, but first I'll take a little break and get some 40K on!


  1. Great work! Love these models, sometimes I forget that stuff exists outside of GW.

    1. Thanks! For my part, after about a hundred of them, I'm quite looking forward to some good old fashion GW stuff.
