Monday 24 June 2019

Setting Your Teeth on Edge

More from the Darkness. Although if they believe in a thing called love, they're keeping it quiet.

The grunts of the faction (that's my guess, anyway), these are Shadows. Love 'em! Smoky and tentacley, like my favourite rum. Once I'd found the faction's page, when I was looking them up to see what the hell I was actually painting, I read a bit about their tactics and handling in the game.

I painted them with proto-Contrast paint Nighthaunt Gloom, which did the basecoat (over Corax White) nicely. Druchii Violet wash over the tentacles, which were picked out with Grimoire Purple from Army Painter, then a bit of white into the Gloom and a layer or two. Standard bone colours for teeth, Eshin Grey with Nuln Oil for the smoke/ooze at the bottom. Quick and easy!

If I get it right, they're a pure AI opponent? Kind of a solo-player super-hard patience challenge, in the Chainsaw Warrior mode. Everything about them is harder than the other factions, from stats to abilities, and these guys apparently specialise in appearing out of nowhere and murdering everything you have.

As you can see with this, the Abyssal Empress. Wow, what a weird model - from emerging from a skull portal with her strange stone triangle head to her spidery bone frill and hooked scythes, this has a lot going on. It works, though, I think - something very otherworldly about it, and I'm not sure I've seen anything exactly like it anywhere else. Except maybe Silent Hill.

One last model, the massive Bell Crow, still to come!


  1. They do look like they've got a one way ticket to hell...and back, tho!

    Silent Hill was my first thought on seeing the Abyssal Empress, too, but as I look at her more, it's mostly just the Pyramid Head resemblance. Maybe like something that could have been in Event Horizon?

    1. It's both too long and not long enough since I saw Event Horizon to remember. Lots of people gouging out their own eyes, right?

    2. Yeah, stuff like that. Tears in the fabric of reality. Strange runes carved into walls and flesh. Apparently it was heavily influenced by 40K Chaos and Warp travel fluff.
