Wednesday 31 January 2024

A Caravangio Painting


All this Old World (well, the one game I've played of it so far) has got me in the mood for some fantasy models. To the Dungeons and Lasers box!

This is one of the loveliest models I've had a go at in ages. Not grim, not dark - nary a weapon or a skull to be seen about it. It's a travelling ale shop, pulled by a nice horsey. Cute!

It's been on the painting table since last autumn, slowly accruing a lick of colour here and there to break the monotony of Tyranid carapaces. I thought I had it done earlier in the week, but as usual, my taskmasters (the young Krakenettes) had opinions about what I'd missed. 

Most importantly, I hadn't painted the bee's stripes on the hanging sign at the back. "Bees are yellow, Daddy," I was told with Gordon Ramsey levels of scorn, having left it a simple white previously. 

That fixed, there was a discussion about it having a base. That actually seemed like a pretty good idea to me, then I could plonk it in a unit as filler. Quite which unit remains to be seen. My Chaos Marauder Horsemen look like they might use a caravan, I suppose, in which case let's just assume the interior is jam-packed with skulls. 

Quickly, I was given a list of features the base was expected to contain. A track for the wagon to follow, a muddy puddle and it had to 'look realistic', which I rather took umbrage at. I mean, as if I'd do anything less!

Quite a challenging model all in all. The baggage and shop shelf particularly, they're crowded with lovely details of the kind you don't notice until you've painted them as something else and the drybrush highlights what turns out to be a pile of mushrooms instead of indistinct mounds of cloth. Hurrah! Nothing a quick dose of wash can't cure. 

Oh dear - there is definitely a crave to paint an army to guard this. Blasted revamped rank and flank. I blame that Stylus.


  1. That is adorable! And yes, you definitely need a regiment of travelling halflings to guard this (proxy them as peasants?)

  2. I do love this model, and you've executed it very well!

  3. Such a huge amount of detail! I love that you've even got hoofmarks in the mud!
