Monday 8 January 2024

Miercy Killing

 New Year, New Army?

No, far from it - this is a tail end to a long-dormant warband. Over a decade ago, I got hold of some of Mierce's lovely resin models, a small group of warriors who saw use as Chaos Chosen in my Warriors of Chaos army for Fantasy Battle. 

Mierce have come a long way since then, churning out new sculpts and building up their own wargame. And last year, they started turning from expensive resin to a new material, but whilst on that path, they also did some work in white metal because it was cheaper. The plastic they're going to use going forward is even cheaper still, so they sold off the metal casts at discount, and I snapped this fella up at an opportune moment. 

This is Carrowek of Carn Dhu, a leader of the Ysian faction for those of you for whom that has meaning. He's a whacking great big Marauder Chieftan in my book, made even bigger by mounting him on a lump of concrete I found in the street. Weighs a fair bit, overall, what with the lead and rock! 

I painted him in separate bits (he comes in an alarming ten or so, all those deer horns are separate) so I could get the inside of the cloak right. My snow mix was a bit heavy on the bicarb, it kept swelling after I'd put it on. There was a worrying moment when I thought it was going to expand over his boots, but it settled down and dried out well. 

Round base? Don't know what I was thinking, it's the wrong time for the wrong size! That's what he came with, though, and Mierce bases are nice and big and deep. How much playtime he'll see, I've no idea. He could creep into a 40K game as a Master of Executions, I suppose. Or maybe Stylus and I can slap together another cross-timeline game some day! 


  1. Looks epic, by Crom!
    I wouldn't worry about the base size - it's surely going to crumble under all that lead and concrete.

    1. GW has officially endorsed Unit Fillers for the Old World. Maybe he has a job there!

  2. Very good looking model, would make an excellent Chaos champion!
