Wednesday 26 October 2022

EXT: Road Bridge

 Archon Rampart bits! They made their preview in the batrep from the other day, so here they are without the distracting clutter of battle. 

This is a selection of bits specifically chosen to make the big bridge. It's a few of the modular walls for support, then a few sections of roof/floor and the massive girders for the sides, plus the ramp part (from Rampart!) so you can drive up it easily.

Those protruding bolts are there to stop based models (or tanks) sliding down the rather steep ramp, and they mostly work! No good on anything too top heavy, though

You hold it together with plastic pegs and little square pillar toppers. The supporting girders proved to be a bit of a squeeze - you could keep them separate and just plug them into the pillar separately, but that was too sensible for me. No, I glued them together slightly squint, making the squeeze worse, so I eventually just snipped them off. Clumsy and extreme as a solution, but then I'm the kind of Inquisitor who would default to Exterminatus early and ask questions later if at all. 

Here's the underside, bristling with details that will rarely see the light of day. Didn't stop me painting it, did stop me being too painstaking with it. You will also doubtless note that the clip system is unpainted, although it is undercoated. Grey, the same shade it started. 

Looks great, though! Once the whole kit is done, I'll have the option of bridges that are half the width or that connect two parts of a building. 

Here are the columns, disconnected from the other bits (also shown separately, further down), as well as some attractive urban clutter. Jersey barriers, bins, sandbags, barricades, a cannon, a bin and a gun shop - all great for 40K or Necromunda, which is obviously what I bought all this for. 

A review in brief - as with all the Archon stuff I've bought into before (Rampart and Dungeons & Lasers), this stuff is 

  • High quality in terms of sculpt, tons of crisp detail
  • Plastic, so easily converted or hacked about
  • Affordable, especially at Kickstarter prices
  • Capable of being magnetised for those competent in that dark art
  • Ever so slightly more fiddly than you want it to be with all the plastic pegs
Overall, a strong A- from me, with the minus just for the fiddly pegs.