Wednesday 16 March 2022

INT: Torture Chamber


Furniture! No more barrels, at least. 

Instead, I got piles of scrolls. I thought they were firewood until the wash dried, I was all ready to do birch bark, but no, these are clearly from a wizard's library. Not that he mightn't use them for kindling anyway, I suppose. A couple of other magic user kit bits too, like this orb and lectern. 

This is the final batch of Dungeons and Lasers bits and bobs. Lovely stuff all, but I'm heartily glad to see the back of it! They're very small, unlikely to see a lot of floor time and really (if I'm honest) only being painted on account of not having anything else. Slightly smaller scale than GW stuff, genuine 28mm not Heroic, but some odd things going on with it. That miner's skull, for example, is about the same size as the scroll chests. Not a dwarf, I'm guessing.

Torture equipment, as advertised - a spiky chair, a House Bolton symbol and a rather petite rack. With nowhere to attach the feet, I notice. Maybe it's actually a medieval mangel. 

And finally, some stone chairs and statues. I rather like the statue of the seated girl, which looks normal enough from one angle but is actually hiding a horrific secret. The damaged one is good too, someone's been careless with their melta. 

There's the reverse angle. Creepy. It's like she just sat on him and crushed his dreams.

When I say finally, I mean for that batch. Trawling through the lead pile back when I was doing the Inquisitor models last month, I happened across this elderly Chaos Spawn, an old lead one. He was painted but in bits, his tentacle arms have been falling off regularly over the years. This time, I felt moved to repaint him as well as repair him. 

He used to be a kind of off-khaki grey-green, very drab. I'd also made a weird blobby greenstuff pseudopod eye coming out of his mouth. Can't find the original jaw thing, sadly, but he looks fine without it. You know, for a spawn.

Not a bad job, but I discovered I have run out of Blood for the Blood God, so had to use the Army Painter gore effect. It's pretty bad, it's an odd magenta colour by itself, but with some judicious brown and crimson washes and gloss on top, it can look decent. Needs the loving touch of BftBG when I next have it, though, that stuff is great. 

The Haunted Painting is a fun bit. No idea where to hang it!

Next? Er, I don't know! I think I have some tiny wall plugs from previous scenery sets to do somewhere, screens and security cameras and such. Otherwise I'll have to build something. Sheesh. 

There's also another plastic wall taster - tudor style timber and plaster, rather good I reckon. But again, no inspiration for what to do with it. There's some old furniture shop wood effect sampler pieces that I could use as floor, I suppose. 

Welcome to Medieval Parkinson. 'Appen my next guest is Iron Maiden. 


  1. There's some really characterful stuff in there: I particularly like the melted statue and the old Spawn

    1. Ta! It does all scream diorama. I just need to get that moment of inspiration to make one!
