Thursday 24 March 2022

INT: Dave's Dungeon Deco

 You name it, we've got it - skulls, sconces, scrolls. That's all your dungeon wall trimmings, right here, right now, priced for incredible value and all in one convenient location! 

I-cons! Getchore luvvery I-cons!
Three for a pound, gettem while I gottem

Dwar-ven shields, fresh off the wall, nicked 'em meself only this morning

Electromagnetic field emitter for the nipper, madam? How about six?

Seriously, I don't even know what I'm painting for right now, other than a sense of progression towards the mythical goal of completion. This batch, which I swear to god is the last time I paint scatter terrain, is a series of plugs that fit into Dungeons and Lasers walls. Lovely stuff, very characterful, great sculpts, etc etc, but it can all just do one on the grounds of being repetitive, tiny and almost never going to get used. 

Lamps! New ones for old and vice versa!

Home security kit, this one, state of the art, got it from a mate in China

Fire-spewing gargoyle head, is it, Mrs Jones? Having the neighbours round again, are we?

Thankfully, there is light after this tunnel - a parcel is on its way, containing my next shipment of 40K stuff, and I cannot. Wait. Another. Minute. 



Wall 'angings!

Flat screen telly wot I deffnitly didn't get out the back of a lorry under a bridge in Clapham!

To give this stuff its due, before it gets consigned to the bottom of a bag somewhere, it really is good quality. Plastic, so I worked by sticking all the buttons to sprues for easy handling. Crisp details, too. Some of it might even see use in the forthcoming batch as base deco or conversion options, hence my choice of orange and green on the tapestries and shields, but I'll have to see how it would look in real life rather than my head before committing. 

Nuka-Cola! Original, not the glowing one, but still just as radioactive as the day it was bottled!

Favourite bit out of this is the imprisoned Tinkerbell; least favourite was the row of lamps. But it's all done now! I don't have to think about it again, although I bet I'll end up happily using it at some point. My future happy self will be grateful, I'm sure, and won't mind my current grumpy self flicking the Vs across the mists of time when he gives me a cheery wave. 

Here is some of it in situ. Been a while since I used these tiles, I really need to organise a game again!


  1. I do like the telly playing "A New Hope". Next time we play over a grainy video link I'd like you to point out each and every lamp to make sure I fully appreciate the work you've put in

    1. I'll do a full audio description tour of the board before we start, that should do it.

  2. That last scenery piece is amazing and has loads of flavour.

    1. If you did light sourcing on it and had a few, you could light your whole dungeon with captured fey!
