Thursday 3 March 2022

INT: The Old Hostel

 I'm still working through my fantasy attic, clearing away the furniture. 

This week it's mostly stuff you might find in an inn, I think. I've gone for a mostly neutral look, I'm really not sure what the final destination of these bits is yet. Doing them all snowy or mouldering with damp would let me use them on the frosty ruins table, but they don't really fit in with the ancient stonework there for the most part. 

A few bits do, so there's a couple of outside things with snow. But the rest could be at home in a nice snug tavern, just in case I manage to do an outpost of hospitality amidst the ruins some day. 

The beds are my favourites. Nice kit anyway, and very much into the doll's house end of scenery. So I pushed myself to try some freehand patchwork quilts to break up the large, blank sheets, and they came out quite nice. 

Not this one, this one is another Mimic. Perhaps a Crypt Angels fan too. 

This is Bob. Bob found the trap. Good job, Bob.

There's maybe one more batch left, I think, which my youngest daughter has unexpectedly taken an interest in. She's into Asterix at the moment, so anything that looks like a potion bottle is exciting, but she also decided the water fountain should be 'fancy, like in a hotel', and produced this with minimal help. 

Nice to have the assist, as I am making slow work of this stuff otherwise, my momentum is low! Not helped by the excellent Total Warhammer III being out, either, I must admit. But there may be a grimdark delivery on its way, so I should have some new models to crack on with before long. 

2gps a night, use of the dunny extra. No pets or familiars.


  1. Those quilts are very nicely done! Though one presumes that there are teeth under all of them, which adds a certain something...

    1. You pays yer money and you takes yer chances
