Sunday 20 October 2024

Non Metallic (Heavy) Metal

It appears I'm not quite done with Marvel Crisis Protocol after all.

Asgard, Marvel Crisis Protocol

After declaring a premature hiatus on painting superheroes, I had a little word with myself and decided that a) I really like painting them and b) so there.

Besides, after my latest plunge into the bone-coloured Tomb Kings, I needed a colourful palette cleanser, and these guys are about as colourful as it gets.

Heimdall, Marvel Crisis Protocol

Heimdall, The All-Seeing was the catalyst for this purchase. Kraken had taken his Asgardians through to the quarter-finals, and I could only provide a proxy model. Clearly unacceptable.

Heimdall himself was straightforward: a big fella in a horned helmet, medieval armour and a fur cloak - he's basically a chaos warrior. So, in order to push myself, I attempted to paint his sword in a NMM effect - something I don't often do, but worked out quite well.

The fun part came in painting the Bifrost effect around him - a circle of four rainbow spectrums that I tried to blend together. This was done by applying seven types of contrast all at the same time - which meant having all the pots open and unsecured at the same time.

The anxiety.

The other Asgardian is Skurge, The Executioner. He has a long history in the comics too, and often teams-up with the Enchantress - although he's now best known for Karl Urban's charismatic turn in Thor Ragnarok (and 'Des-troy' - his favourite pair of assault rifles - is a tactics card at his disposal).

Inspired by the internet (and 80s' heavy metal covers), I pushed the NMM effect on his axe even further. It looks over-the-top and ridiculous, which is entirely appropriate and I'm very happy with it.

Skurge, Marvel Crisis Protocol

Until the next time (and there will surely be one, who was I kidding?)